Thursday, July 29, 2021

Family News

 Congratulations to Hannah Puryear and her husband, Grant!  

They are expecting a baby girl in February!  

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Schedule for Work Days & Family News

The following is a preliminary schedule for the first three days when we return.  We wanted to go ahead and provide this so you will know how to plan your time for collaboration, meetings, etc.

 Also, we are getting questions about when classroom rolls will be ready.  Teacher letters will be mailed to parents on 8/4, so we are planning to have rolls printed out on 8/3.  We will let you know as soon as they are ready.

Friday, 8/6

8:30 Faculty/Staff Breakfast
9:00 Paine Opening Celebration
10:30 Faculty/Staff Picture
Work in rooms remainder of the day

Monday, 8/9

8:00 PowerSchool Training (more information to follow)
10:30 Arrive at Institute (Civic Center)
1:00 Faculty Meeting (Media Center)

Tuesday, 8/10

Work in rooms all day
1:00 PowerSchool Training for Sped Teachers with Dr. Guilbeau (PES Media Center)

Family News

Please keep Jacie Thurman, K-2 Resource Teacher, in your thoughts and prayers.  She recently fell and broke her ankle in three places.  She is having surgery next week.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Working in Your Rooms - Important Information

The following is important information to consider as you are working in your rooms.  We are waiting on the Health Guidelines for next year and will communicate those as soon as we get them.  Based on the current situation, it is highly that students may need to sit 3 feet apart.  We tested a way to group 4 desks where we still accomplish this (see picture below).  You may want to consider this setup if you have desks in your room.

Important Reminders:
  • As you are working in your rooms it would help our custodians if you could leave your bagged trash outside your classroom door.
  • Please remember if you place anything in the hallway, we are going to assume it is trash.  Please do not put books, etc. in the hallway.
  • If you have items you want to give away, please do not put them in the teacher workroom.  We have to get this room cleaned up.  Rather, please send an email to your colleagues to see if anyone would wants the items you are discarding.

Our building is really taking shape for next year!  Enjoy your last week of summer!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Family News

Please keep Christy Naylor in your thoughts and prayers.  She is having some health issues that will require surgery this Thursday morning, and she is waiting on bloodwork to come back in the next few days.  Please pray for a successful surgery and that the bloodwork reveals no indication of any type of cancerous cells.   

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...