Thursday, December 31, 2020

Weekly News

Happy New Year 

As we approach our second semester of this unprecedented year, I know we will all continue to stay strong and focused!  You make a difference with our precious students everyday.   YOU are a big part of what they will become this year and later in life!  In the midst of the continued challenges we are faced with this year, a key word for us is FOCUS.  So as we approach our second semester our FOCUS will be:

1.   Ensuring ALL students know they are loved, valued, and we believe in them!

2.  Teaching and learning at high levels, and using our data to guide instruction!  That is the reason we are here!

3.  Continue to be there for every member of our Paine family; we have an amazing support system!

This Week 

Monday, 1/4 - Return Date for 12 month employees
Tuesday, 1/5 - Return Date for teachers and staff
Wednesday, 1/6 - Students return

Wednesday - There will be no collaboration this week.  Next week we will have ACAP training.
Thursday - Grade level/Content Teams may meet on Thursday at 2:15.
Thursday - PES Leadership Team will meet at 2:15 in the Collaboration Room.

Math PLC (Professional Learning Community)

Since we are unable to have the district EMT (Elementary Math Teacher Institute) this year, we will start a PES Math PLC for the remainder of the year.  This is primarily for math teachers who have not had the opportunity to participate in the EMT in the past (but anyone is welcome).  It will be a condensed version of topics covered in the EMT.  We will meet on January 5th from 8:30-11:30.  Future sessions will be held two Thursdays per month from 2:15-3:15.  We will communicate topics to be covered in advance (in the blog) so if anyone would like a refresher on a topic they are welcome to attend that session.  More information to follow soon.

Note:  We will also work with our leadership team on establishing other PLC opportunities (especially in the area of literacy) for the second semester.

Performance Series Express Mid-Year Testing

Math - Please have all face-to-face students take this mid-year assessment by Friday, January 15th.  This will provide us with insight on student math performance mid-year.  

Reading & Science - These mid-year assessments are optional (teacher discretion).  Remember, we are using AimsWebPlus as our main reading assessment for K-3 and STAR for 4-5.

STAR Testing

The testing window for STAR is January 6th - January 15th.  

AimsWebPlus Tentative Winter Testing Schedule

Our academic coaches have developed a tentative schedule to administer this state required assessment to all K-3 students in January.  Please see the tentative schedule below so you will have an idea on when they coaches will be pulling your students.  We are so appreciate for their dedication to these efforts and the invaluable data it has provided us.  Again, this schedule is a tentative plan and have to be adjusted.

Friday, 1/8 at 8:15 (TestNav/ORF) - 2nd Grade:  Enoch, Shumate, Swann, Weyerman
Monday, 1/11 at 8:15 (TestNav/ORF) - 3rd Grade:  Barker, Ekonen, LoPresti, Kuhn
Monday, 1/11 at 10:30 (TestNav/ORF) - 2nd Grade: Vickers, Perry, Hunt, Parker, Wilks
Monday, 1/11 at 12:30 (ORF) - 3rd Grade: Bickley, Walters, Lutz, Johnson
Tuesday, 1/12 at 8:15 (TestNav/ORF) - 3rd Grade: Bickley, Walters, Lutz, Johnson
Tuesday, 1/12 at 10:30 & 12:00 - 1st Grade: Mauldin, Stewart, Puryear, Calvin
Wednesday, 1/13 at 8:15 - 1st Grade: Seeley, Moore, Bagwell, Inman
Wednesday, 1/13 at 12:15 - 1st Grade: McGinnis, Tweed
Thursday, 1/21 at 8:15, 10:10, & 11:20-  Kindergarten: Findley, Jacobs, Dillard
Friday, 1/22 - Makeups 
Monday, 1/25 at 8:15, 10:05, & 11:25 - Kindergarten: Martin, Williams
Tuesday, 1/26 at 8:15, 10:10 & 11:30 - Kindergarten: Swatzell, O'Dell
Wednesday, 1/27 at 8:15 - Kindergarten: Birkeland
Wednesday, 1/27 at 12:00 - Kindergarten: Lackey
Thursday, 1/28 - Makeups
Friday, 1/29 - Makeups

Family News

Please keep Gina Lackey's sister-in-law, and the entire family, in your thoughts and prayers.  She has been sent home on hospice care.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Immediate Prayer Request

Asking for immediate prayers.  Edra Perry's husband had to have emergency open heart surgery on Christmas Day due to an aorta dissection.  Doctors did not expect him to survive the 8 hour surgery, but Praise God....he did!  Please keep Edra, her husband, and the entire family in your thoughts and prayers!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Weekly News


Christmas Party Schedule 

Tuesday, December 15th - Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
Wednesday, December 16th - 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade

Tuesday Morning - Breakfast

Faculty & staff breakfast will be provided by a generous stakeholder.  Please stop by the front office at 7:30.

Wednesday - NO Collaboration

Thursday Schedule

Students will be dismissed at 12:00, so there will be NO specials or PE.  Please pick up lunches in the lunchroom based on the schedule below and eat in your classrooms.  Please immediately bag up all garbage and place outside of your room so our custodians can take it to the dumpster.

Thursday Afternoon

We will have our staff Christmas party (pandemic style) after student dismissal.  A boxed lunch will be provided for faculty and staff.   More information to follow!

Paine Precepts

M:  When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves. - William Arthur Ward
T:  One kind words can change someone's entire day. - Unknown
W: There is no need to be perfect to inspire others...Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections. - Robert Tew
T:  I believe the world is one big family and we need to help each other. -  Jet Li

Duty Reminder

Please remember to be at your morning duty station no later than 7:20.  If you have to be out it is your responsibility to get someone to cover your duty.  Please go to afternoon duty station right when the bell rings.  Remember, classroom teachers should be walking their students to their destinations each afternoon.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Weekly News

As we are approaching the end of the first semester and 2020, there is such a feeling of pride in everything you have accomplished.  The year 2020 has been one like no other.  We continue to face challenges related to the pandemic with hope, dedication, and perseverance.  Our Paine Elementary family has risen to the occasion.  Please know that your tremendous effort and the impact you are making does not go unnoticed!  Paine students our so blessed!  We have 8 1/2 learning days left with our students this semester.  Let's continue to make each day count.  You are all heroes! 

PACE Character Trait for December - Generosity

Christmas Party Schedule 

Tuesday, December 15th - Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
Wednesday, December 16th - 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade

Wednesday Collaboration

We will review our content standards and provide an status/update.  Please bring your computer, and make sure you have access to the standards for your grade/content area(s) and your pacing guides for this year.  We will continue our work with AimsWebPlus and SuccessMaker (goal setting, etc.) and we will begin our ACAP discussions in grades 2-5.

Thursday Afternoon

Please use this time to work in your rooms or meet with your colleagues.

Paine Elementary 2020-2021 Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to 1st Grade Teacher, Penny Moore for being honored as Paine Elementary School's Teacher of the Year.  Penny will be honored at the next TCS board meeting.  At that time the TCS Teacher of the Year will be announced.

Paine Precepts

Our Paine Precepts this week are about effort.

M:  Success is dependent on effort. - Sophocles
T:   Success in anything will always come down to this:  Focus & Effort.  And, we control both of them. - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
W:  Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out. - Robert Collier
T:   The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply. - Dennis Whatley
F:  Great effort springs naturally from great attitude. - Pat Riley

Duty Reminder

Please remember to be at your morning duty station no later than 7:20.  If you have to be out it is your responsibility to get someone to cover your duty.  Please go to afternoon duty station right when the bell rings.  Remember, classroom teachers should be walking their students to their destinations each afternoon.

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...