Saturday, November 28, 2020

Weekly News

Only 13 Full School Days Left in 2020 - Let's Make it Count

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  You are all such a blessing to our precious students at Paine!  Our students only have 13 school days left before Christmas Break!  

Let's continue to work hard, make every day count, and focus on our students learning as much as possible in the last 13 school days of 2020!  We've got this!!!

PACE Character Trait for December 

Christmas Party Schedule & Guidelines for this Year

Our Christmas Party Schedule is listed below.  Remember, TCS has a no visitor policy in place due to health guidelines. If you plan to do something related to Polar Express, please incorporate it into your party day this year.  Everyone is invited to wear their pajamas on their Christmas party day.  As you are aware, cases are on the rise so we will follow strict health and safety protocols for our parties.

Tuesday, December 15th - Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
Wednesday, December 16th - 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade

Food Guidelines
All food items donated by parents must be individually wrapped and store bought (example: Little Debbie Cakes, small bags of chips, etc.)  These items should be sent to the school by the Friday before the Christmas party day (to sit for a minimum of 3 days).  All drinks should be individually packaged (example: juice boxes).  NO homemade goodies (even if individually wrapped) will be allowed.  If something is purchased from a place such as Edgars, the restaurant must individually wrap the items.  The distribution of food items should be handled by the teacher only.

Craft Protocols
Please adhere to all health and safety guidelines for Christmas crafts on your party day.  This includes NO sharing of materials.  Any materials used for the craft should be distributed to each student by the teacher only.  If any items are donated by parents, they should be received by the classroom teacher by the Friday before Christmas party day (a minimum of 3 days before the party).

We are so thankful to be in school and having our Christmas parties.  I know this looks a little different from the past.  Please remember our students don't really care if the items are homemade or store bought....they just want a fun party.  

Thank you for always being On the KUF and counting our blessings!

Wednesday Collaboration

We will continue training on AimsWebPlus and SuccessMaker.

Faculty Zoom on Thursday

We will have a Zoom Faculty Meeting on Thursday at 2:20.  Please socially distance with your grade leave or content team in a room and join the Zoom as a small group.  We will go over some important updates, and then we will announce our Teacher of the Year!  See meeting link below.

Paine Precepts

Our Paine Precepts this week are about generosity.
M:  The meaning of life is to find your gift.  The purpose of life is to give it away. - Pablo Picasso
T:   Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out. - Frank A. Clark
W:  Do things for people; not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are. - Harold S. Kushner
T:   Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
F:  Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give. - Unknown

Duty Reminder

Please remember to be at your morning duty station no later than 7:20.  If you have to be out it is your responsibility to get someone to cover your duty.  Please go to afternoon duty station right when the bell rings.  Remember, classroom teachers should be walking their students to their destinations each afternoon.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Weekly News

During this season of Thanksgiving, it is important to reflect on our accomplishments over the first twelve weeks of school.  Like many of you, I didn't know what to expect this year but we have persevered because we understand our ensure the academic, social, and emotional growth of our students and to be there each other!  Thank you for your commitment to making every day count for our students! Although I long for normalcy and will never take that for granted again, the experiences we have this year continue to grow us, and for that I am grateful.  May your Thanksgiving be filled with family, rest, joy, and of course, good food!  We are thankful for each of you!

Thanksgiving Holiday Break

We are out for Thanksgiving break Wednesday - Friday.  Please make sure before you leave on Tuesday there is no trash left in your classroom and that everything is unplugged.

Paine Precepts this Week

The Thanksgiving precepts this week are both by the 35th President of the U.S., John F. Kennedy.

M:  As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not just to utter words, but to live by them.

T:  We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. 

Team Members of the Month

Congratulations to our Team Members of the month for  
Cheryl Enoch   &   Fran Box


Duty Schedule

Please follow our weekly duty schedule.  If you are not going to be at school, it is your responsibility to get someone else to cover your duty.  

Family News

Please join us in congratulating Ashley Lybrand on her new role as PE Teacher at Snow Rogers Elementary!  Her last day is Tuesday and she will definitely be missed.  Good luck and best wishes in your new role.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Family News!!!

 We would like to welcome two precious blessings to our Paine Family!

Courtney Holland's beautiful baby, James was born on November 12th.  He weighed 8 lbs 15 oz.  

Monica Bramlett's sweet baby, Mason was born on November 17th.  He weighed 7 lbs 2 oz.

Congratulations!!!  We are so happy for both of you and your families!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Team Member of the Month - INTEGRITY

Please use the link below to vote for your Team Member of the Month for demonstrating Integrity.  Nominations will be taken through Thursday afternoon.  The team member of the month will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card.  We will also have a drawing for a $15 gift card from those who submit nominations.  The Team Member of the Month will be announced on Friday morning.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Weekly News

We have been talking about our PACE character trait for November, GRATITUDE!  When I think about gratitude, I automatically reflect on how grateful I am to work with the most dedicated, talented, and committed educators and staff!  Your tireless efforts with students, sacrifices you make, teamwork, support for each other, your passion and sense of purpose, and pride in our school does not go unnoticed!  YOU make Paine Elementary great!

Duty Schedule

Please remember, we will be on a consistent weekly duty schedule now, so refer to the schedule posted last week.  If your duty team would like to make any changes regarding days your team members are assigned, please let us  know.  Reminder:  Please be on your morning duty station by 7:20 am.

Food Drive

Please encourage students to participate in our Food Drive.  Think of the impact we could make if every person donated at least one item.

Wednesday Collaboration

We will continue our professional learning and collaboration regarding AimsWebPlus, SuccessMaker, IE Block, goal setting, etc.  Please bring your computers.

Thursday Afternoon

Plans for Thursday afternoon are TBD, and will be communicated by mid-week.

Paine Precepts 

Our precepts this week will focus on students setting goals for their learning.  This can be tied to learning targets in the classroom.

M:  A goal without a plan is just a wish. - Jeff Rich
T:   People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. - Earl Nightingale
W:  Great things never came from comfort zones. - Unknown
Th:  If you aim for nothing, you will hit it every time. - Unknown
F:    A goal is a dream with a deadline. - Napolean Hill

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Weekly News

Thank you to everyone for their flexibility this past week.   We had some coverage challenges, but as always...we pulled together and persevered.  I could not be more proud of our faculty and staff!  You are what makes our school great!

PACE Character Trait for November

New Duty Schedule

We will be moving to our new duty schedule this week.  We did our best to set up the schedule based on the day you had duty from the other schedule (for example, if someone was always on the schedule for Thursday, we tried to plug your name in for Thursday).  Some teachers have been moved to a different station because of the number of students returning to face-to-face and the supervision required.  Please look carefully and find your name on the duty schedule (morning and afternoon).  If your duty team would like to make changes to the day assigned to someone, please have someone from your duty team email us any changes.  If you see any problems let us know and we will fix it.  Since everyone has been taking a specified day per week, we will not make changes to the schedule each week, but just keep the same schedule from week to week.  Thank you for pulling together to ensure our students are well-supervised and safe.

Food Drive

My One Word

Selecting one word to guide you for the school year provides clarity and focus - a simple vision. Please select your "One Word" to guide you this year and use the link below to communicate your one word.

Wednesday - NO SCHOOL

No school on Wednesday as we remember and celebrate all veterans.  

Thursday  - Afternoon

Grade Level Collaboration to finalize individual IE Block Plans. More information to follow.

Paine Precepts - Focus on Gratitude

M:  Count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms. - Alyssa Knight, age 12.
T:   The more you are in a state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for. - Walt Disney
Th:  Those who have the ability to be grateful are those that have the ability to achieve greatness. - Steve Maraboli
F:   The root of joy is gratefulness. - Unknown

Family News

Congratulations to Maggie Burns on her latest addition.  Sullivan Thomas Burns (Sully) arrived on Monday, November 2nd.  He weighed 8 lbs 12 oz and was 21.5 inches long.  Congratulations!

We are so thankful that Rachelle Taylor received a good report from her latest MRI.  She remains in our thoughts and prayers.

Please keep the following in your thoughts and prayers.  Maddie Garrett and family; her husband's grandfather passed away last week.  Janet Benson and family; her brother passed away last week.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Weekly News

Thank you for your hard work, flexibility, and positivity last week.  We had some challenges and together we persevered.  Good news - Our internet issue is fixed.  Thank you to our Technology Department for supporting us on Friday by relaying important messages (since our phones were down, too) and for problem solving throughout the outage.  Thanks to our Paine Family for shifting gears on Friday with coverage and internet issues, and making sure our students were engaged in learning all day.  

We are so proud of our Paine Family!

Tuesday - Election Day

Seating Charts 

Please provide your specialist teachers (PE, Music, & Art) with a copy of your current classroom seating chart.  Now that we are doing specials outside of the classroom, we want to ensure we do our best to keep students in the same cohorts (seating locations) in specials.

Wednesday Collaboration in South Collaboration Room

We will continue looking at AimsWebPlus (K-3) and Successmaker (K-5), reviewing student baseline data, setting goals, and planning interventions and the IE block.

One Word

We have held off on coming up with our One Word for this year due to the challenges with starting the school year.  Upon reflection, this seems like the year that our one word is more important than ever.  Be thinking about your one word to reflect your goals for this school year.  We will send something out to collect these words mid-week.

Thursday Afternoon

This time will be used to finalize grades, meet with grade level teams, etc.  

Educator Effectiveness

Since our internet was down on Friday, we will extend our deadline to Wednesday.  Please make sure your Self-Assessments and PLPs are completed by the end of the day on Wednesday.  

Duty Schedule - Beginning the First Week of November

We will keep the same duty schedule we had in place last week for this week only.  The new duty schedule will be sent out early this week and will begin next week.

PST Zoom Meetings

We will complete our PST Zoom Meetings this week.

Paine Precepts

Our Paine Precepts this week are about setting goals.

M:  Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. - John Wooden
T:   If you can dream it you an do it. - Walt Disney
W:  This one step - choosing a goal and sticking to it - changes everything. - Scott Reed
Th:  Setting goals is the first step of turning the invisible into the visible. - Tony Robbins
F:    All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney

Duty Schedule for this Week

Weekly Update

  A Week - January 21-24, 2025 South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post Observation Reflection Form Re...