Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Paine Peeps Parcel


Everyone knows our Paine faculty/staff rocks.

So, our PTO will be sending a monthly box.

A little reminder that your impact is colossal.

Stop by the front lobby for your Paine Peeps Parcel.


Look for your name on the box.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Weekly News

Thank you for believing in our students!  The impact you make is far greater than the best curriculum, resources, technology, building, etc!

PACE Character Trait for October - Integrity

Red Ribbon Week

Wednesday Collaboration in South Collaboration Room

We will continue looking at AimsWebPlus (K-3) and Successmaker (K-5), reviewing student baseline data, setting goals, and planning intervention.

Thursday Afternoon

IE Block plans should be shared with Admin by October 30th.  Please use this time to finalize them if not already complete.

Educator Effectiveness

Self-Assessments and PLPs are due by Friday, October 30th.  We will begin scheduling meetings next week for teachers on the evaluation cycle this year.

AimsWebPlus Student Reports (Grades K-3)

AimsWebPlus Student Reports (for all TCS students in grades K-3) will be sent home to parents on Friday, October 30th.  We will print these for you and place them in your boxes, along with a parent letter, by Thursday afternoon.  Please make sure you send each student's report and letter home on Friday.

Duty Schedule - Beginning the First Week of November

We will need to make some changes to our duty schedule based on the number of students returning and some teachers returning to face-to-face teaching.  We will send out a new sign-up link this week for duties beginning the first week of November. 


Please remember there is no mixing of classes at recess.  Each class has their own designated area.  Teachers should be sitting 6 feet apart if you are outside at the same time.  Please make sure you adhere to your assigned recess times.  If there are any issues with your time, please let us know.

Paine Precepts

Our Paine Precepts this week go along with Red Ribbon Week.  
They are all about students believing in themselves.

M:  Why fit in when you were born to stand out? - Dr. Suess
T:    Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more: Believing in yourself.      - Harry Potter
W:   Put all excuses aside and remember you are capable. - Zig Zigler, Author and speaker
Th:  Believe you an and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt
F:    We hope you believe in yourself as much as we believe in you!

Duty Schedule for this Week

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Important Intervention Information

Here are some important reminders about Intervention (during the IE Block):

  • The Intervention/Enrichment Block for ALL students is 8:10-8:40 every single day.  
  • The IE Block should begin promptly after morning announcements and last until at least 8:40 (minimum of a 30 minute block).  (We try to keep morning announcements to 4 minutes each morning, so they typically end at 8:04).
  • The teacher should always be working with a small group during this time.  
Intervention is an expectation at Paine (and TCS).  It is the protected time when we can make the greatest impact with students who are struggling (while still enriching our other students).  

Thank you for making a difference with our students!
Please remember:  Tier 2 reading intervention is mandated in The Literacy Act for all students with reading deficiencies in grades K-3, and all plans and progress must be documented.

As mentioned in one of our Wednesday meetings, we are doing regular intervention walkthroughs to gather data for our school.  The following is the form we are using to gather data.  We will go over the aggregate data with our faculty in a future data meeting.  

Classroom Parties

Please remember:  Two classroom parties are permitted each year:  1) Christmas Party and 2) Either a Valentines Party OR End of Year Party (determined by the grade level).  Typically, our younger grades have chosen to do a Valentines party and 4th/5th grades have chosen an end of year party.  

We will not have a Halloween celebration next week at school, which includes parents bringing in special snacks.  We do not want to disrupt any instructional time next week.  We have so much ground to make up with students due to the unexpected school closing in the spring and the unusual attendance situation this year.  In addition, we are sensitive to the fact that many do not celebrate Halloween.

Thank you so much for understanding!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Family News

 Please keep Christy Lesley and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  Her mother-in-law passed away today.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Weekly News

Nobody can inspire us as great teachers can. They seem to come along at just the right moment, at a time when we need them the most. Great teachers show us things about ourselves we can't see. They see potential in us that others, including ourselves, can't or won't. Above all, they give us the courage to find our own way with just enough guidance to show us that the impossible—or what we perceive as impossible—is anything but that. 

(From https://wabisabilearning.com/blogs/mindfulness-wellbeing/4-stories-great-teachers)


PACE Character Trait for October:  Integrity

Student Recognitions

Ms. Ormond has graciously agreed to serve as the point person for our student recognitions this year.  She sent an email to teachers Friday morning.  Please make sure you have completed the survey (using the link in her email) to recognize a student in your homeroom for each of the following awards:  1) PACE - For demonstrating the PACE character trait of Friendship, and 2) Paine Pride Award for September.   Please complete by Monday, October 19th.  Ms. Ormond will provide more information on how students will be recognized and celebrated each month.

Educator Effectiveness

Please remember:  All Self-Assessments and PLPs are due in Schoology by October 30th.  We will be setting up meetings to go over these soon.  All certified staff here less than 3 years will automatically be on the evaluation cycle.

Red Ribbon Week

Please go ahead and communicate Red Ribbon Week daily dress-up themes to parents ahead of time.

Wednesday Collaboration

K-3 teachers will receive additional training on AimsWebPlus from our Academic Coaches. Fourth and 5th grade teachers should work to finalize their I.E. Block Planning.   (Thank you to Amy Ramer for giving our new collaboration room a little makeover.  It looks amazing!)

Special Thank you to our Custodians

A special thank you to our custodians for adapting to all the changes, while maintaining our beautiful building.  We have the hardest working group of custodians and they are appreciated everyday!

Thursday Afternoon

Plans for Thursday afternoon are TBD.

Paine Precepts

This week our precepts are quotes from Kid President....just for kids!

M:   The time to be awesome is now!
T:   Be somebody who make everybody feel like somebody.
W:  Open your heart more than your mouth.
T:   If you can't think of anything nice to say, you're not thinking hard enough.
F:   Kindness is free!  Sprinkle that stuff everywhere!

Duty Schedule

Please remember to update the duty schedule each Friday for the following week.  If it is not complete, the names will be automatically entered.  Check the following prior to Monday morning to make sure you know your duty assignments.  
It takes a village.

Duty TeamMTWThF
Morning Duty
North Boulevard/Car LineRountreeRountree
South Boulevard/Car LineBrumlowBrumlow
North Car LineMorrison, Ormond, Rogers, Santiago, SerenaMorrisonOrmondRogersSantiagoSerena
South Car LineArtis, Naylor, Holland, Knuppell, RamerArtisHollandNaylorKnuppellRamer
North Boulevard/BusBenson, Brandon, Guthrie, Hatcher, RosenbergBensonBurtGuthrieBrandon
South Boulevard/BusEkonen, Garrett, Kuhn, Hayden, WicksEkonenGarrettKuhnHaydenWicks
North Front Wing (4th)Brooks, Felts, Freeman, Jackson, JenkinsBrooksFeltsFreemanJacksonJenkins
North Front Wing (5th)Adams, Brasher, Bryant, Camara, DarnellAdamsBrasherBryantCamaraDarnell
South Front WingBarker, Burns, LoPresti, McGuire, McLaughlinBarkerBurnsMcGuireMcLaughlinLoPresti
Media CenterCampbell, Enoch, Shumate, Swann, WeyermanCampbellEnochShumateSwann
South 4th Grade HallBennett, Dahlke, Kizer, Nichols, WilliamsonBennettDahlkeKizerWilliamsonNichols
North Middle WingBickley, Johnson, Lutz, Miller, WaltersBickleyJohnsonLutzMillerWalters
South Middle WingHunt, Parker, Perry, Vickers, WilksHuntParkerPerryVickersWilks
North Back WingFindley, Jacobs, Martin, Swatzell, WilliamsFindleyJacobsMartinSwatzellWilliams
South Back WingBirkeland, Bland, Dillard, Lackey, O'DellBirkelandO'DellBlandDillardLackey
North GymBagwell, Inman, McGinnis, Moore, SeeleyInmanSeeleyMooreSerenaBagwell
South GymCalvin, Mauldin, Puryear, Stewart, WallsCalvinMauldinPuryearStewartWalls
BreakfastBlank, Bowlin, Gulledge, Matos, SharittBlankBowlinGulledgeMatosSharitt
Afternoon Duty
North Boulevard/Car LineRountreeRountree
South Boulevard/Car LineBrumlowBrumlow
North Car LineOrmond, Rogers, Santiago, Morrison, SerenaOrmondRogersSantiagoMorrisonSerena
North Car LineNicholsNIchols
South Car LineArtis, Naylor, Knuppell, Holland, RamerArtisHollandNaylorKnuppellRamer
South Car LineCampbell, Hatcher, Parker, Rosenberg, WicksCampbellBurtParkerRosenbergWicks
North Hall/Car LineBenson, Bland, Brandon, Garrett, KuhnBensonBlandGarrettBrandonKuhn
South Hall/Car LineBlank, Bowlin, Gulledge, Matos, SharittBlankBowlinGulledgeMatosSharitt
North Bus/Car LineAdams, Freeman, Guthrie, Miller, MorrisonAdamsFreemanGuthrieMillerMorrison
South Bus/Car LineLothspeich, PhillipsLothspeich/Phillips
All Gen Ed classroom teachers should walk students to bus line and car line everyday, so they will not be included in other afternoon duties.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Weekly News

Hope you are taking a moment to enjoy all of your blessings this Fall Break!


PACE Character Trait for October:  Integrity

Virtual to Face-to-Face Update

We sent out a parent survey to determine future virtual plans since we are approaching the end of the trimester.  We have approximately 70 students who are coming back to learn face-to-face.  This has caused us to adapt and make some quick decisions to accommodate our students, families, and teachers.  As a result, please look for the following changes.  We will answer any questions, go over a revised Master Schedule (which will be effective, Monday, October 19th), etc. in our Wednesday collaboration meetings.  
  • Kindergarten - Buffy Bland will continue to be the  teacher for all virtual Kindergarten students.  (Janet Benson was teaching several of these students.)
  • 1st Grade - Kelli Tweed will move from virtual teaching to face-to-face beginning Monday, October 19th.  She will move into the North Collaboration Room and co-teach with Kimberly McGinnis (Debbie Serena in Kimberly's absence).  We were originally going to use this space for 4th grade, but we have enough students coming back for a completely separate class.  Katherine Walls will be the virtual teacher for all 1st Grade virtual students.
  • 2nd Grade - Dominique Parker will move from virtual to face-to-face teaching effective Wednesday, October 14.  She will move into the South Gathering Space, along with Kathi Wilks, and they will co-teach their combined classes for now.  Janet Benson will teach most of the remaining 2nd grade virtual students.
  • 3rd Grade - Amy Kuhn will move from virtual to face-to-face teaching effective Monday, October 19th.  She will be in her classroom in the South Building.  She will continue to help create lessons for virtual until she has a full class.  Rachelle Taylor will teach the remaining 3rd grade virtual students.
  • 4th Grade - Mica Nichols will begin teaching 4th grade face-to-face beginning Wednesday, October 14.  She will also keep her 4th grade virtual students for now.  Rachelle Taylor will help with some of the lesson creation.
  • 5th Grade - Maddie Garrett and Susan Brandon will continue to teach all virtual 5th grade students and also teach a class of the 5th grade students planning to return to face-to-face.  This will begin November 9th.  They will be on the north side.  They will work out a schedule where one is teaching face-to-face students for half of the day, while the other is teaching virtual during that time (and switch for the 2nd half of the day).
A special thank you to everyone for your understanding and flexibility as we continue to try and meet everyone's needs during this unpredictable time.

Educator Effectiveness

Please remember:  All Self-Assessments and PLPs are due in Schoology by October 30th.  We will be setting up meetings to go over these soon.  All certified staff here less than 3 years will automatically be on the evaluation cycle.

Red Ribbon Week

Wednesday Collaboration

We will review changes to the Master Schedule and work on setting goals for our PST students.

Thursday Afternoon

Please use this time to work on your IE Block Planning Spreadsheet.  Once this is complete, please share with Admin via Google.

Paine Precepts

  • “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou, poet and author
  • “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.” – Albert Einstein
  • “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father, Third US President

Duty Schedule

Duty TeamMTWThF
Morning Duty
North Boulevard/Car LineRountreeRountree
South Boulevard/Car LineBrumlowBrumlow
North Car LineMorrison, Ormond, Rogers, Santiago, SerenaFALL BREAKFALL BREAKSantiagoMorrisonSerena
South Car LineArtis, Naylor, Holland, Knuppel, RamerFALL BREAKFALL BREAKArtisRamerKnuppel
North Boulevard/BusBenson, Brandon, Guthrie, Hatcher, RosenbergFALL BREAKFALL BREAKGuthrieBrandonRosenberg
South Boulevard/BusEkonen, Garrett, Kuhn, Hayden, WicksFALL BREAKFALL BREAKEkonenKuhnWicks
North Front Wing (4th)Brooks, Felts, Freeman, Jackson, JenkinsFALL BREAKFALL BREAKFreemanJacksonJenkins
North Front Wing (5th)Adams, Brasher, Bryant, Camara, DarnellFALL BREAKFALL BREAKAdamsCamaraDarnell
South Front WingBarker, Burns, LoPresti, McGuire, McLaughlinFALL BREAKFALL BREAKMcGuireMcLaughlinLopresti
Media CenterCampbell, Enoch, Shumate, Swann, WeyermanFALL BREAKFALL BREAKShumateCampbellWeyerman
Gathering SpaceBennett, Dahlke, Kizer, Nichols, WilliamsonFALL BREAKFALL BREAKKizerNicholsWilliamson
North Middle WingBickley, Johnson, Lutz, Miller, WaltersFALL BREAKFALL BREAKLutzMillerWalters
South Middle WingHunt, Parker, Perry, Vickers, WilksFALL BREAKFALL BREAKPerryVickersWilks
North Back WingFindley, Jacobs, Martin, Swatzell, WilliamsFALL BREAKFALL BREAKMartinSwatzellWilliams
South Back WingBirkeland, Bland, Dillard, Lackey, O'DellFALL BREAKFALL BREAKDillardLackeyBirkeland
North GymBagwell, Inman, McGinnis, Moore, SeeleyFALL BREAKFALL BREAKMooreSerenaSeeley
South GymCalvin, Mauldin, Puryear, Stewart, WallsFALL BREAKFALL BREAKPuryearStewartWalls
Breakfast (North)Blank, Bowlin, Gulledge, Matos, SharitFALL BREAKFALL BREAKGulledgeMatosBowlin
Breakfast (South)Cornwell
Afternoon Duty
North Boulevard/Car LineRountreeRountree
South Boulevard/Car LineBrumlowBrumlow
North Car LineOrmond, Rogers, Santiago, Morrison, SerenaFALL BREAKFALL BREAKSantiagoMorrisonTweed
North Car LineNicholsFALL BREAKFALL BREAKNichols
South Car LineArtis, Naylor, Knuppel, Holland, RamerFALL BREAKFALL BREAKArtisRamerKnuppel
South Car LineCampbell, Hatcher, Parker, Rosenberg, WicksFALL BREAKFALL BREAKCampbellRosenbergWicks
North Hall/Car LineBenson, Bland, Brandon, Garrett, KuhnFALL BREAKFALL BREAKBensonBrandonKuhn
South Hall/Car LineBlank, Bowlin, Gulledge, Matos, SharitFALL BREAKFALL BREAKGulledgeMatosBowlin
North Bus/Car LineAdams, Freeman, Guthrie, Miller, MorrisonFALL BREAKFALL BREAKGuthrieMillerMorrison
South Bus/Car LineLothspeich, PhillipsLothspeich
All Gen Ed classroom teachers should walk students to bus line and car line everyday, so they will not be included in other afternoon duties.

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...