Friday, May 8, 2020

Family News - Rachelle

We want to provide you with an important update on Rachelle Taylor.  Recent focal seizures resulted in a brain MRI which revealed the presence of a tumor (they had previously radiated), but it came back and has grown. She will have another MRI on Monday so doctors can map out nerves, allowing them to remove the tumor safely. She will also undergo several tests this upcoming week, while possibly still getting current treatments.  
She is scheduled to have surgery to remove the tumor on Friday, May 15th.  She will remain in UAB ICU the first night, then move to a different floor for several days of monitoring and observation. She remains in good spirits and full of faith. 
For the remainder of Classroom to Cloud learning, Julia Bickley will take over the math instruction and communication for Rachelle.  Hannah Lutz will coordinate anything else that is needed for their two classes.
We ask you to please lift Rachelle up in your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...