Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Family News

Please continue to keep Jamye Waites in your thoughts and prayers.  She will have surgery Thursday on her broken fingers.  

Please join us in welcoming two beautiful little blessings to our Paine family today.

Shepherd Walls was born at 9:27 am and he weighed 6 pounds 11 oz.  Congratulations to Katherine Walls and her family!

Davis Robert Hunt was also born today and he weighed 8 pounds 2 oz.  Congratulations to Jennifer Hunt and her family!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Family News

Please keep Jamye Waites in your thoughts and prayers.  She fell at home today and broke 3 of her fingers on her left hand. She is in a temporary cast and has to see an orthopedic hand specialist on Monday.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Grade Level Zoom Meetings Today

Thank you so much for your participation in our Zoom Grade Level Meetings today!  It was so good to come together in our teams and do a check-in on how things are going.  We heard such positive feedback today!  You are doing an incredible job assisting students and parents, and supporting eachother!  I was feeling such pride today as we had the opportunity to interact, celebrate successes, troubleshoot any issues, etc.  Thank you for all you are doing for our students everyday.  You are rocking it!

Kindergarten Teachers
1st Grade Teachers
2nd Grade Teachers

3rd Grade Teachers
4th Grade Teachers

5th Grade Teachers

Monday, April 6, 2020

Message from Technology

If a parent emails you with a technical problem, please ask them to go to the Classroom to Cloud websitehttps://sites.google.com/trussvillecityschools.org/tcsclassroomtocloud/home,  and select Chat with us at the bottom.  We have several team members waiting to assist students and parents there.  Members of the Technology Team are receiving emails in their inbox which could become lost and the students/parents will not get the help they need quickly.  The entire Technology Team is working on WORFs and the live chat with parents daily.  Thanks you

Message from Curriculum & Instruction

Hello Everyone! Hope you are enjoying this beautiful day. We sure do have a BIG day tomorrow! I read a quote from George Couros (he is an innovative, educational leader) that  to me really sums up our current reality.

“Change WILL come our way. WE can GO through it or WE can GROW through it. WE grow when we seek out solutions rather than let obstacles  hinder us.”

In my eyes, this is exactly what you all  have done! You didn’t let the fact that we had a little over a week to redesign school become an obstacle. You didn’t let not being able to physically collaborate  with your colleagues become an obstacle.  You didn’t let any fear of not perfectly knowing how to use some aspect of technology scare you. You rose to the challenge and designed some outstanding lessons for your students….while at the same time…..remembering “less is more” and that some of our kiddos might be tasked to help a younger brother and sister with their school work or be dealing with a tough situation at home due to a  parent who might be temporarily out of a job. Let’s continue to always give our students the benefit of the doubt, encourage them and check in often, and support them to the best of your ability!

As for you all, take care of yourself and your own families too! I am super proud of you all. You are welcome to reach out to me ANYTIME!  I am committed to doing whatever I can to support  you….you just have to say the word. Get some rest tonight knowing you all did a wonderful job and be confident. Questions will come…no doubt about that….but we will all do our best to handle them with grace and patience. Take care and please know how much you are loved and appreciated!
Dr. Lisa Berry
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction

Friday, April 3, 2020

Parade Cancellation

Teachers and Staff,

We will send out a news release tomorrow, but the parade is now cancelled due to the news conference and Governor’s stay at home orders late this afternoon.  We are living in a time where some of the guidelines have to change daily.  Thank you for understanding.

You are doing an amazing job!  Please let us know if you need anything.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Parade Monday Morning

Please join us for the online learning kick-off parade Monday morning.  Please bring signs for your cars.  Up to 3 teachers can ride on each bus (we will have 3 buses) as long as you remain 6 feet apart (1st come).  If you decide to be one of the 3 riding on the bus, please park your car on the bottom because we will use the top for the parade line up.  

We will line up from 8:00 - 8:20 in front of our school.  Remember, only your immediate family members can ride in your car (and nothing can be tossed out of the car) due to social distancing guidelines.  We will have 3 different parade routes for Paine.  See the details below so you can see which bus you would like to follow.  The following are the details.  Looking forward to kicking off Classroom to Cloud with something special during this challenging time.

Parade Details for April 6

· Line-up from 8:00- 8:20 at each elementary school to organize groups/decorate buses and cars
· We will have blue tape available to tape signs on cars if needed
· 8:30 pull out from schools
· 9:30 return to the schools

Paine Elementary-
Bus #1- Mrs. Sisson 18-03
Bus #2- Mr. Kennemur 21-02
Bus #3- Mr. McElroy 15-04
Bus #1 will pull all the way forward past the old Primary side near the fire hydrant. Bus #2 and Bus #3 will begin lining up at the new school entrance. If you need to park please do so in the bottom lots only.

Paine Elementary-
Bus #1 (path goes past or through Camp Coleman, Thomas, WindSong, Lake Vista, Deerfoot Crossings, Pilgrims Rest, Jonathans Way, Trussville Clay from Deerfoot to Husky, Longmeadow)
Hwy 11(towards Publix) then turn L onto Camp Coleman Rd; continue straight until L turn onto Wind Song Dr.
Follow Wind Song Dr. until end and turn around and come back out of neighborhood.
Follow path back to Hwy 11 and go straight across to Deerfoot Pkwy.
Follow Deerfoot Pkwy past Lake Vista and Deerfoot Crossing and then L onto Jonathan’s Way (Pilgrim’s Rest) follow to 4 way stop.
At 4 way turn R onto Plymouth Rock Dr and follow around until back at Deerfoot and turn R and then R again onto Trussville Clay Rd.
Follow Trussville Clay to traffic light for Husky Pkwy and Longmeadow and turn R onto Longmeadow Pkwy.
Continue on Longmeadow Pkwy then turn L onto Mountain View Trace and then L onto Clubhouse Dr.
Follow Clubhouse to 4 way stop and turn L on Longmeadow Way then to next 4 way stop and turn R.
After R turn follow back to traffic light and go straight across to Husky Pkwy.
Top of Husky Pkwy turn R on Deerfoot and then go to Paine and loop through front of the school.

Bus #2(path goes past or through Old Mill, Stockton, Peppertree, Carrington, Carrington Estates)
Hwy 11 past Paine Elem and turn R onto Meadowlark Dr(past Amerex) and enter back of Stockton.
Follow Jayden until intercts with Park Pass and turn L then R onto Caldwell.
Follow Caldwell straight across and continue until L onto Drew run then R back onto Caldwell.
Follow Caldwell to stop and turn R onto Bethune then R onto Hwy 11 then R into Carrington.
Follow Carrington Dr to Ridgeview and turn R follow to Herring and turn around and come back out.
Turn R back onto Carrington Dr and then R onto Carrington Lane/Parkway then L onto Highland Dr
Follow Highlands Dr to Highland Trace intersection and turn R.
Follow Highland Tr back to Carringotn Lakes Parkway and go back out past the guard house to stop sign.
At stop sign, turn R onto Carrington Drive (estates section) and follow until cul-de-sac.
At cul-de-sac turn around and then exit the neighborhood. At Hwy 11 turn L and go to Paine Elem and make a loop through the front of the school.

Bus #3(path goes past or through Trussville Springs, South Chalkville, Queenstown, RiverCrest, Smith Sims, Roper Tunnel, Valley Crest, Cahaba Manor)
South Chalkville Road then turn R on Old Roper Rd then turn R onto Cahaba Manor Dr.
Follow Cahaba Manor to cul-de-sac and turn around and come back out of neighborhood.
Turn R onto Old Roper Rd and follow to stop sign and then turn L.
Follow Roper Rd and turn R onto Gateway Dr. At top of hill turn L on Rivercrest.
At the end of Rivercrest turn L on Nobles then R on Gateway then R onto Roper to exit neighborhood.
Follow Roper/S Chalkville to R on Oak Dr E.
Oak Dr E to R on Hemlock to L on Ridgewood to L on Yellow Wood to L on Oak Dr E.
Follow Oak Dr E to exit neighborhood and turn R onto Roper/S Chalkville.
S Chalkville to intersection of Hwy 11 and turn R to travel past Trussville Springs.
Return to Paine to go through front loop.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

We celebrate our ParaProfessionals!

Today is ParaProfessional Day!  I wish we were there to celebrate our dedicated staff of paraprofessionals!  You are such an integral part of our team at Paine.  We thank you and appreciate each one of you so much!!!

Important Updates


First, You are all doing a fabulous job!  The online lessons are beginning to come together and the ones we have seen so far look incredible!  I'm SO proud of our faculty and staff!

There have been a few questions circulating and the following will provide answers to those questions:

1) We now have guidelines informing us that we cannot ZOOM with a group of students, including whole class (just to say hello, etc).  There are too many security related issues with a live zoom when it comes to students.  You can ZOOM one-on-one with a student on their learning as long as a parent is present.  Remember, you can welcome students with your welcome video and/or post a welcome video on your Google Classroom.

2) The link to Classroom to Cloud will be sent out via mass notification to all parents/students on Friday.  (Teachers do not need to send this out.)

3) If a paraprofessional works with one of your student(s), please add her as a teacher on your Google Classroom.  Please coordinate with her as our paras are a vital resource to check in with the student(s) and help provide any remediation/support.

4) As of right now all Paine students have internet access (so no packets will be necessary due to this issue).  We are focusing on packets for our special education students initially.  After Monday, if someone requests a packet due to printer issues, etc. you will need to notify Lori Phillips and provide her with the information so it can be copied.  This must be turned in by Thursday of the week before scheduled deliver.  Packets will only be delivered every two weeks (beginning Monday) so materials must be prepared for a two-week period if a packet is necessary. 

5) Office Hours:  Office hours should be between 8:00 and 3:00, so please adjust if you have designated hours outside of that window.

6) Once we getting next week going, I will set up brief, weekly grade level Zoom Meetings so we can all collaborate, check-in, and support one another.

7) Please see information about the Monday morning parade in your email (and in the blog).  We hope you can join us!

You're Invited - Monday Morning, April 6th

What:  Kick Off for Back to Learning!
Where: Designated Routes Below
When:  April 6 from 8:30AM- 9:30AM
Who:  All K-12 TCS Staff
Please join us for our “1st Day of Classroom to Cloud Learning” neighborhood parades.  We will begin at each elementary school at 8:30AM and end back at the school at 9:30AM.   Please note that this is for all K-12 staff.  Elementary routes are being used because they include middle and high school siblings.  So if you are a MS or HS faculty member and want to participate, simply choose one of our elementary schools and show up!
Each route will be led by the school’s SRO, a TCS bus, and any teachers/staff that would want to follow along.  To ensure social distancing, only one or two teachers may ride the bus.   TCS faculty/staff will be allowed to follow along behind the bus but please only your family in your car (your personal children are welcome in your car). 

We are unable to toss out candy so we encourage you to decorate and make signs for your vehicle.
 If parents/students are not in the path of the parade, they are welcome to view the parade along the route.  We will publish the route as soon as it is approved.  Parents may also choose to view the parade at one of the elementary schools from their own car, due to social distancing.  They may park at an elementary school at 8:30 to see the beginning of the parade or at 9:30 for the end of the parade.  
We hope you will join us!  We will be follow proper social distancing in order to continue to promote everyone’s safety and well-being.

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...