Friday, November 29, 2019

Weekly News

A Week

Class(es) of the Week: Lutz & Taylor (3rd)
Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)
PACE Character Trait:  Joy
Paine Power Word: Formulate
Please utilize Powerpoint (from link on blog) to teach Power Word.

Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

Paine Precepts this Week

M: The things that make me different are the things that make me me! - Piglet (A.A. Milne)
T:  The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.  They must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller
W:  Winners never quit,and quitters never win! - Vince Lombardi
T:  You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can be grateful because thorn bushes have roses. - Tom Wilson
F:  Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns. - Unknown

Student Assemblies this Week (8:30-8:55)

Assembly Schedule & Specials/PE Schedule Adjustsments

Tuesday, December 3rd (Grades 1 and 3)
*1st Grade:  Specials at 1:30-2:00 & PE from 2:05-2:35

Thursday, December 5th (Grades 4 and 5)

Friday, December 6th (Grades K and 2)
*2nd Grade:  Specials at 1:30-2:00 & PE from 2:05-2:35; IE after assembly

Wednesday Collaboration

We will discuss the Performance Series Express data.   Please bring your laptop and sit by your teaching partner(s).

Thursday Afternoon

We will meet with Ashley Waring regarding our STEM Certification.  Following this, Precept Teams will meet briefly.

Friday Freeze on Friday

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Family News

Paine Family,

Please keep Mary Rountree and her husband, Charles in your thoughts and prayers.  Charles was diagnosed with head and neck cancer.  He will have surgery next week and then start treatment.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Wooden Doors at North & South Entrances

The wooden doors at the front North and South entrances (that lead to the teacher mailrooms) must remained locked at all times.  This adds an extra layer of security and is part of our safety plan.  Please do not unlock these doors.  If you have any questions, please let us know.  Thank you for your help with this.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Family News

Please keep Karen Ekonen in your thoughts and prayers.  She is having gall bladder surgery tomorrow.

Continue to keep Buffy Bland's mother-in-law in your thoughts and prayers as she begins treatment soon.

Teaching is such a stressful profession.  Please continue to lift each other up in all we do!  You are SO appreciated! Our Paine Family is the best!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Weekly News

B Week

Class(es) of the Week:  (Will not have a desiganted class this week)
Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)
PACE Character Trait:  Honor
Paine Power Word: Convey
Please utilize Powerpoint (from link on blog) to teach Power Word.
Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

Paine Precepts this Week

M: There is always something for which to be thankful.  - Unknown
T:  What would happen in my own life if thanksgiving became the main thing for me? - John Juneman


  • We will not have EnRICh this week.
  • We will have a tornado drill Monday at 2:00.  Please look at the tornado map prior to 2:00  
  • We will also have to get a fire drill in sometime Monday or Tuesday.
  • Please remember to unplug all lamps, string lights, electronic devices, etc. before Thanksgiving break.

Upcoming Events

Our Assistant Principals attended CPR training this week.


We are thankful for our Paine Family!  Let's all lift one another up this Thanksgiving season!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Exchange Club Body Safety Presentations (Erin's Law)

In accordance of Erin’s Law (HB197) passed by the Alabama Legislature on June 11, 2015 the Alabama Governor’s Erin’s Law Task Force established state guidelines for a child sexual abuse prevention instructional program for students consistent with techniques to teach children to recognize child sexual abuse, equip them with skills to reduce their vulnerability, and encourage them to report the abuse. All public school systems are required to establish developmentally appropriate instruction.

The Exchange Club will provide this instruction for our Kindergarten and 3rd Grade students.  Each class will attend two sessions the first two weeks of December.  Location TBD.  Please find your classes two sessions on the schedule below and adjust your plans accordingly.  Teachers are required to stay with their students throughout the training.

Monday. December 2nd Monday, December 9th
8:10-8:50 3-Walters & Bickley 8:10-8:50 3-Walters
9:00-9:30 K-Findley 9:00-9:30 K-Findley
9:40-10:10 K-Bland 9:40-10:10 K-Bland
10:20-10:50 K-Moore 10:20-10:50 K-Moore
11:00-11:40 3-LoPresti 11:00-11:40 3-LoPresti
Tuesday, December 3rd Tuesday, December 10th
8:10 - 8:50             3- Bickley
9:00-9:30 K-Swatzell 9:00 - 9:30 K-Swatzell
9:40-10:10 K-Lackey 9:40-10:10 K-Lackey
10:20-10:50 K-Dillard 10:20-10:50 K-Dillard
11:00-11:40 3-Barker 11:00-11:40 3-Barker
Thursday, December 5th Wednesday, December 11th
8:10-8:50 3-Hunt & Johnson 8:10-8:50 3-Lutz
9:00-9:30 K-Williams 9:00-9:30 3-Taylor
9:40-10:10 K-Martin 9:40-10:10 K-Jacobs
10:20-10:50 K-O'Dell 10:20-10:50 (break)
11:00-11:40 3-Kuhn 11:00-11:40 3-Ekonen
Friday, December 6th Thursday, December 12th
8:10-8:50 3-Lutz 8:10-8:50 3-Hunt & Johnson
9:00-9:30 3-Taylor 9:00-9:30 K-Williams
9:40-10:10 K-Jacobs 9:40-10:10 K-Martin
10:20-10:50 (break) 10:20-10:50 K-O'Dell
11:00-11:40 3-Ekonen 11:00-11:40 3-Kuhn

Please see one of our counselors if you have any questions.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Inclusive Schools Week - December 2-6

Inclusive Schools Week is held each year during the first full week in December. Since its inception in 2001, Inclusive Schools Week has celebrated the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students who are marginalized due to disability, gender, socio-economic status, cultural heritage, language preference, and other factors.

Our school plans to celebrate and support this week by participating the following events:

1. Collectively we will “build a ship”
a. The theme this year is CHARTING THE COURSE. Each classroom will be given a few pieces of paper to write how their class supports inclusion. PLEASE REMEMBER that inclusion is not just special education. It is about including an increasingly diverse student population: gender, socio-economic status, cultural difference, language preferences etc. PLEASE TURN YOUR PIECES INTO KAREN SAGER (C04) SOUTH SIDE BY THURSDAY NOVEMBER 21!
2. There will be a table in the library highlighting books that contain a story or information about diversity.

Please try to incorporate a few of these ideas into your day during the week.
1. Make a list with the class of ways people can communicate
2. Set aside time for “5 minutes of friendship”. Student pair up with classmates and the teacher provides a topic for discussion. Come back together to share any thoughts.
3. Have older students (3-5th grade) complete a learning style assessment. Discuss: Did everyone get the same results? How do we learn differently?

Important: Powerschool Professional Learning (formerly STI-PD)

Important:  Please look at the screenshots below.  No credit will be awarded for PD until a survey is complete.  Surveys can be found on the home page by clicking Courses at the top of the page.

This is a requirement for all PD.  The survey is from ALSDE and is attached to all PD.

HTHS Presents "The Great Gatsby"

The Hewitt-Trussville High School Theatre Department presents The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and adapted for the stage by Simon Levy. 
Thursday, November 21st @ 7pm
Friday, November 22nd @ 7pm (Understudy Show)
Saturday, November 23rd @ 2:30pm (Understudy Show)
Saturday, November 23rd @ 7pm 
Sunday, November 24th @ 7pm
$10 Adults, $5 Students
PG-13 (violence and some language)

Due to the large costs of producing a Main Stage Theatre Production we are asking that all Faculty and Staff pay for admission. TCS IDs may not be shown for free admittance.

We hope to see you there!
Valerie Lemmons
Theatre Director, Hewitt-Trussville High School

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Recognitions for December Assemblies

Our December Assembly schedule is listed below:
December 3rd - 1st & 3rd
December 5th - 4th & 5th
December 6th - Kinder & 2nd

Please submit your PACE, Paine Pride, and Reader Leader nominations by Friday.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Formal Evaluations - SWIVL videos due by November 30th

If you are on the formal evaluation cycle this year, please be sure you have completed your SWIVL video by November 30th.  The video should be of an entire lesson and at least 45 minutes in length.  If you have not completed your video, please go ahead and secure the SWIVL for the day you plan to video.  If you have any questions, please let us know. 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Quality Writing PD

Last week, our Writing Precept Team delivered some great PD for our faculty on Quality Writing.  We discussed the progression of one of the writing standards (narrative writing) across the grade levels.  It was extremely insightful and revealed the importance of students mastering those standards to ensure there are no writing gaps.  The Quality Writing Precept Team will continue to work on the other standard progressions.  The following are some of the key progressions of narrative writing by grade level:
  1. Kindergarteners should use drawing, dictating, and/or writing to narrate an event.
  2. First grade should be able to recount 2 or more sequenced events with some details, incldue transition words to show order, and provide some sense of closure..
  3. Second grade should recount a well-elaborated event/sequence of events with details and transition words; provide a sense of closure.
  4. Third grade should write about real or imagined experiences with details, transitions, and include dialogue.
  5. Fourth grade should should include a narrator, characters, or both, and include character responnses to situations; use transition words and concrete details to provide sensory details and provide a conclusion.
  6. Fifth grade should use narrative techniques, including dialogue, description, and pacing; provide conclusion.

Our Writing Precept Team created flip books showing quality Narrative writing from Kindergarten through 5th.  These will be available in the library and in the shared Google Folder.  Please take time to examine the writing products from your students compared to the flipbook sample to guide your instruction.

Our Precept Team will provide us with writing prompts for students, and rubrics, at the end of the year.  These samples will become part of each student's red folder to provide future teachers with important information on each student's baseline writing skills.

We discussed usage of RACE to guide writing in response to questions.  Our Precept Team discussed the importance of a starting point in achieving our vision of developing quality writers.  We are asking that each grade level reinforce the R in RACE.  Have students restate the question and turn it into a statement (including the answer).  If this is practiced in Kindergarten through 5th Grade it will become organic or second nature for students.  

Our Challenge for ALL Students this Year

Friday, November 15, 2019

Weekly News

 A Week

Class(es) of the Week:  Nichols-4th
Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)

PACE Character Trait:  Honor
Paine Power Word: Convey
Please utilize Powerpoint (from link on blog) to teach Power Word.
Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

Paine Precepts this Week

M: The best things in life are not things. - Ginny Moore
T:   Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.  Emile Coue
W:  You can't have a rainbow without a little bit of rain. - Unknown
T:   Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. - J.M. Barrie
F: Fall seven times.  Stand up eight. - Japanese Proverb

Quality Writing Professional Development

Thank you to our Writing Precept Team for the work you are doing to guide us in developing quality writers.  Thank you to Jamye Waites and Destin Walters for facilitating the incredible PD on Thursday.  It was a great step forward for our school.  Please look for another blog post to highlight our writing vision and next steps.

Tuesday - STEM and Music (1st - 5th)

On Tuesday, November 19th, 1st-5th Grade North STEM and North Music classes will meet in the North Ampitheatre, and 1st-5th Grade South STEM and South Music classes will meet in Mrs. Brandon's room.

TAC Questions Due by Tuesday

TAC Questions are due by Tuesday afternoon.  There are boxes set up in the teacher workrooms.  Please remember, the door is always open to discuss any issues, problem solve, or ask questions.  

Wednesday Collaboration

If you are a Sonday System teacher, you will attend training in the Literacy Coaches room with Mrs. Bruno and our literacy coaches.  If you are not a Sonday System teacher, you will meet in the collaboration room on upcoming lessons.

Thursday Afternoon 

We will attend district PD at Magnolia Elementary beginning at 2:15.


Our courtyard is open, and we have beautiful new picnic tables and benches for teachers and students to enjoy.  We have someone scheduled to paint games on the concrete the first of the year.  We will keep it open until that time.  Each teacher will have two days per week to take her students to the courtyard during the last 10 minutes of lunch (to enjoy time with peers).  This is not extra time, but is part of the designated lunch time.  Please stick to the schedule so it does not become overcrowded.  Remember, there should be no balls or recess equipment in the courtyard.  (Reminder: if freezing weather, remain in lunchroom.)

Grade Level Courtyard Days
  • Kindergarten, 2nd, & 4th - Monday and Wednesday
  • 1st, 3rd, & 5th - Tuesday and Thursday
The courtyard can also be reserved for outside lessons between the hours of 8:00-10:30 & 1:00-3:00.  You can reserve the courtyard during these hours the same way you conference rooms, gathering space, etc. (on the blog).

Performance Series Express Testing

Thank you for you cooperation and support in implementing Performance Series Express before the window closed on Friday.  A special thank you to Ellen Ormond, Amy Ramer, Christy Naylor for organizing everything and proctoring these tests.

Afternoon Dismissal

Please remember if you have hallway duty, we need you helping with dismissal in the afternoons.  This includes supervising students in your hallway who are exiting the building. We have groups merging in the boulevards and we want to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal.  We have had some issues with students running, so we really need your help.  Please remember, we also need you to help with the buses. 


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday Afternoon Childcare

This topic came up at a recent district meeting, so I wanted to send out a reminder.  It is a district policy that elementary students of faculty and staff cannot remain in classrooms unsupervised on Thursday afternoons (while we are in meetings).  Paine's after school care program offers us a Thursday rate of $34 for the first semester and $30 for the second semester (for a total of $64 for the entire year).  If you have any questions please contact Beth Martin.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

2019 2020 Budget Committee

Thank you for voting for our 2019-2020 Budget Committee.  The elected committee members are listed below:
Amy Ramer
Susan Brandon
Jamye Waites
DeeDee Brasher

Friday, November 8, 2019

Weekly News

 B Week

Class(es) of the Week:  Garrett - 5th
Please send a group of students to the office each day by 7:55 (with a post-it containing their first names)

PACE Character Trait:  Honor
Paine Power Word: Evaluate
Please utilize Powerpoint (from link on blog) to teach Power Word.
Duty Schedule: Please refer to your duty schedule for this week to ensure all students are supervised. 

Paine Precepts this Week

T:  Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. - Maya Angelou
W: Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up. - Michael Watson
T:  The only way to have a friend is to be one. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
F:  do things for people, not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are. - Harold Kushner

Happy Veterans Day!

Enjoy your long weekend!  It is well-deserved!  

Tuesday Assembly & Schedule Adjustments

Tuesday, November 12th (Kinder & 2nd) - Assembly at 8:30
* 2nd Grade:  Specials from 1:30-2:00 & PE from 2:05-2:35.

Wednesday Collaboration

We will collaborate with colleagues (in the Collaboration Room) on upcoming lessons.  

Thursay Afternoon - Precept Team PD

Join our Writing Precept Team for PD on Quality Writing.  We will begin at 2:15.

Paine Elementary - A on State Report Card

Paine Elementary made an A on our state report card because of each and every one of you!  Your passion, dedication, perseverance, growth mindset, and tireless work ethic are unsurpassed!  Deepest appreciation for all you do every day for our students and for each other  You make a profound difference every single day!  We have such a dedicated and talented faculty and staff here at Paine!  We thank you for all you do!  YOU are the reason Paine Made the Grade!

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...