Friday, March 29, 2019

Weekly News

B Week

Classes of the Week - Bagwell & Inman (1nd Grade)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Monday - Friday) with a post it note containing their first names.
PACE Character Trait:  Individuality
Paine Power Word:  Submit
Husky Buck Drawing:  1st, 3rd, & 5th

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a restful and fun spring break!  We are ready to come back and finish this school year strong!  We have a lot more to teach and we are ready....because Paine teachers and staff are the best!

Monday Afternoon - State Required Testing Training

Monday afternoon at 2:15 we will have our training for state spring testing that will be administered to grades 3-5.  Our counselors will hold this training in the collaboration room.  ALL faculty and staff must attend this training (all grades).  If you cannot complete this training Monday afternoon, you will be required to attend a makeup, so please make every effort to attend.

Preparation for Spring Testing, IE Block, & EnRIch

Teachers in grades 3-5 may use their IE block for the next two weeks to continue instruction necessary for students to be fully prepared for spring testing. This may include whole group instruction, small groups, skill camps within your teams/pods, etc.  

We will not have PES EnRICh sessions (grades 4 & 5) until after spring testing.  

Grades K-2 should continue with their IE block as usual.  

There will be no visitors in our school the week of state testing (April 15-19); this includes lunch visitors.  Please be sure to include on future newsletters, etc. 

Thursday Collaboration

We will provide more information on Newsela and Gizmos.  We will also work on test preparation plans.  Please bring current or upcoming Lucy Units and Math Curriculum Guides.

Boosterthon Results

Thank you for all you did to make our Boosterthon a success!  We made a profit of $35,336!!!  Of this, we are transferring 10% of what each class collected to teacher activities'
 accounts (for a total of $5,450).  
That will leave us with $29,886 to be spent on Chromebooks and carts.

Duty Schedule

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Family News

Please keep Allana Naylor, Christy's daughter, in your thoughts and prayers, especially Friday morning.  See message below from Christy.

Please keep Allana and Dr. Sarah Jacobs and her surgical team at Callahan Eye hospital in your prayers tomorrow morning. Allana will be having a rare/risky procedure to cut into the nerve sheath of the right eye and drain the excess CSF build up around the optic eye nerves which is greatly affecting her vision right now. She’s not responded quick enough with the lumbar punctures and increased doses of medication to drop the pressure in her head/eyes enough on her own. We are praying for skilled/precise hands, quick relief of pressure, as well as restored sight with no permanent long term damage. It’s been a long, crazy month with this increased cranial pressure. Thanks to all.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Family News

I hope you are enjoying a much deserved, restful spring break.  Please keep the following Paine Family Members in your thoughts and prayers.
  • Maddie Garrett's grandfather-in-law passed away right before the break.
  • Anne Owens' mother-in-law passed away this week.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Weekly News

A Week

Classes of the Week - Dahlke & Neason (2nd Grade)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday) with a post it note containing their first names.
Please watch PETV on Monday for announcements.
PACE Character Trait:  Individuality
Paine Power Word:  Submit
Husky Buck Drawing:  Kinder, 2nd, & 4th (We will also draw the names from last week).

Spring Break - Next Week

Let's make every day count this week...spring break is right around the corner!  Please ask students to help clean the classrooms on Friday, and make sure there are no food items left in the rooms.  Also, please be sure to unplug items in your classroom before you leave on Friday afternoon.

AEA Visit

AEA will be visiting in our teacher workrooms Monday morning.

Monday Afternoon

There  will be no faculty meeting Monday afternoon.

Champ Choir Concert - Tuesday at 6:00pm

Our 4th & 5th Grade Spring Champ Choir will be on Tuesday, March 19th from 6:00-6:30 in the North Gym.  Please join us!

Thursday Collaboration

We have purchased a pilot license for both NEWSELA (all grades) and Gizmos (grades 3-5, possibly 2nd) as important differentiation resources for the IE block.  This will take us through the end of the year.  If we all agree that these resources are beneficial, we may purchase for the entire year next year.  We will spend our collaboration time on Thursday exploring these resources.  We will also discuss test preparation for grades 3-5.

Spring Testing Preparation 

We have only 3 instructional weeks until grades 3-5 have state summative testing. We will suspend PES EnRICh for the two weeks after spring break to prepare for testing.  Teachers in grades 3-5 may use the IE block for the 2 weeks after spring break for regular instructional time to teach standards.  

Specials Reminder

Please make sure all students attend specials and that they are "on-time".  The only exception is if  PST established a different schedule for a student.  It is difficult for our specialists when they have to repeat the lesson opening and instructions. 

Duty Schedule

Please be sure you are at your am duty station at 7:20.  ALL teachers should stand in the hallway at 8:00 when the bell rings and at 3:00 dismissal (until are students are where they need to be).  Please enforce our two hallways rules:  1) Zone Zero & 2) 3rd Street.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


We have purchased Newsela Pro for the remainder of the year. This resource is an excellent way to EnRich while offering remediation on important reading skills. Newsela provides integrated activities like shareable annotations, standards-aligned quizzes, and writing prompts for every article to help educators differentiate instruction and monitor student engagement in real-time. These embedded activities also encourage students to practice active reading strategies.

With Newsela PRO, each teacher will have a window into their students reading in their classes, as well as other classes, so it's easier to see a holistic picture of each student throughout their school day and collaborate with teachers across subject areas.

We will offer training on this in the near future.

Reminder: Specials & PE

Please remember:  Students should NOT miss PE or Specials to make up work.  (The only exception to this is if PST recommends missing a special due to ongoing academic concerns.)

Monday, March 11, 2019

Family News

Please keep Rhonda Loveless' mother in your thoughts and prayers.  She had a massive heart attack today and is in the hospital.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Weekly News

B Week

Classes of the Week - Walters & Bickley (3rd)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday) with a post it note containing their first names.
Please watch PETV on Monday for announcements.
PACE Character Trait:  Individuality
Paine Power Word:  Explore
Husky Buck Drawing:  1st, 3rd, & 5th (We will also draw the names from last week).

Literacy Turnaround Training

We will have Literacy Turnaround Training for all certified teachers on Monday at 2:15 in the Collaboration Room.  Our Literacy Leadership has prepared a great learning experience for us!  
All teachers, regardless of their content area, are teachers of literacy.  

Thursday Collaboration (in the Collaboration Room)

In grades 3-5, please be prepared to discuss the remaining standards & pacing for the concepts that need to be taught before testing.  We will also work on IE materials and planning for all grade levels.  Specialists will collaborate with their counterpart on a shared lesson design.

Boosterthon Fundraiser

Thank you to our faculty and staff for a successful Boosterthon Fundraiser.  We are on track to earn approximately $35,000 for Chromebooks/Carts for our school.  
We will have our final numbers this week!  

Student Behavior

We have so much teaching and learning left to do in the next two weeks before spring break.  Please raise the bar for behavior expectations for students so we can maximize learning.  We will discuss faculty suggestions for improving behavior Monday afternoon.

Duty Schedule

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Boosterthon - Important Schedule Information for Friday

I apologize for sending this out so late today.  Please wear your Boosterthon shirts tomorrow!

Our fun run schedule is:
-3rd grade @ 9:00
-2nd grade @ 10:00 
-4th grade @ 11:00 
-Kindergarten @ 12:00 
-1st grade @ 1:00 
-5th grade @ 2:00

There will be no specials or PE tomorrow.  Classroom teachers will have a duty free lunch.  Please drop your students off at their regular lunch time and pick them up at the regular time.  Specialists will be supervising students in the lunchroom (10:40 until 1:00).  Specialists will have a lunch break from 1:00-1:30.  North Specialists will supervise the North Lunchroom, and South Specialists will supervise the South Lunchroom.

Specialists will be helping in classrooms from 8:30-10:30 and from 1:30-3:00 (since there are no specials).  Specialists, please see the grade level chair for your assigned grade when you arrive in the morning.  Grade level chair, please coordinate how they can best help your grade level tomorrow.
They may work with individual students, work with small groups, prepare materials, etc. (Please split the time between North and South teachers in the grade level.)  If your grade level run is during this time, the assigned specialist should come and help teachers with the run.

Specialist assignments are listed below:

Susan Brandon - 5th Grade (Brasher)
Janet Benson - 4th Grade (Jenkins)
Natalie Owens - 3rd Grade (Howard)
Brian Cocke - 2nd Grade (Enoch)
Lara McClendon - 1st Grade (Bagwell)
Courtney Holland - Kindergarten (Dillard)

Thank you for working as a team to do what is best for our students and school!

Family News Update

The following is an update from Christy Naylor:

Thanks for all the prayers!  Allana is feeling ok, but we hate just having to wait to see improvement….we were told it can take weeks, so it will be a slow process!  She is still seeing double/blurred, having some headaches, not sleeping very well, and her neck is still hurting because we haven't been able to even address the pinched nerve and bulging disc due to the eye crisis that developed.  They said yesterday that the swelling is still pretty bad in her optic nerves and intracranial pressure is still too is lower from Monday, but still higher than normal.  They are going to double up on the medicine (which has its own bad side effects) until they decide next week if they will need to do another lumbar puncture.  She will be going weekly to the eye specialist to keep a close check on everything.  Her left eye showed slight improvement, but it is much worse in the right.  She has severe impairment in her peripheral vision to the right side up or down in her right eye....if it is not close to the midline of sight (looking straight ahead), she sees nothing to the right of that.  It was crazy for me to see what all she didn’t see while she did visual field tests and tried to read eye charts yesterday.  It made my heart hurt for her!  Keep the prayers coming!  She also has a neurologist appointment next week to start looking into the pinched nerve and bulging disc as well, so it’s a long road ahead.  Thanks again.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Family News

Please keep Lori Phillips' mother in your thoughts and prayers.  She is very ill and in the hospital. Please pray that her symptoms stabilize and that the family is provided with guidance on next steps.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Family News

Please keep Christy Naylor's daughter, Allana, in your thoughts and prayers.  She had a procedure done today to relieve intracranial pressure from her optic nerve.  Allana needs prayers that the pressure is relieved immediately and there is no sight damage. 

Friday, March 1, 2019

Weekly News

A Week

Classes of the Week - Cramer & Waites (4th)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday) with a post it notes containing their first names.
Please watch PETV on Monday for announcements.
PACE Character Trait:  Individuality
Paine Power Word:  Explore
Husky Buck Drawing: Kinder, 2nd, 4th  
(Please submit names via link on Friday morning before noon)

Faculty Meeting

We will have a brief faculty meeting on Monday at 2:15.  You do NOT need to bring anything.  We will finalize your ideas for improving student behavior this year.  We will also discuss Boosterthon and DreamBox.

Assemblies & Schedule Changes

Tuesday, March 5th  - 4th & 5th Grades
Wednesday, March 6th - 1st & 3rd Grades
(3rd Grade will attend specials from 1:30-2:05 & PE from 2:10-2:40)
Friday, March 8th - Kinder & 2nd Grade
(2nd Grade will attend specials from 1:30-2:05 & PE from 2:10-2:40)

Boosterthon Fun Run

Please encourage your students to participate!  We could be 1-to-1 with Chromebooks for next year!  Also, your classroom will receive 10% of the funds collected by your students.

 Our Boosterthon Fun Run will be on Thursday, March 7th. 

2nd & 3rd Grade - 8:45
4th & 5th - 10:00
Kinder & 1st - 1:00

There will be no specials or PE that day.  
Classroom teachers will be provided with a duty free lunch the day of the run.  
All specialists will be in the lunchrooms to provide teachers with this time.
 Specialists will also help with the run during the non-lunch hours.  

Friday, March 8th
The top 3 Boosterthon Classes will turn the Principal and Assistant Principals into Ice Cream Sundaes!

GATE Marketplace

Duty Schedule

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...