Thursday, January 31, 2019
TAC Questions
TAC Questions are due by Friday, February 1st. Please place them in a sealed envelope, and put them in the designated box in the teacher mailroom by the end of the day.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
District Collaboration at Paine
Friday, January 25, 2019
Weekly News
B Week
Classes of the Week - Barker & Howard (3rd)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday)
PETV should be played for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait: Self Control
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday)
PETV should be played for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait: Self Control
Paine Power Word: Infer
Husky Buck Drawing: 1st, 3rd, & 5th
(Please submit names via link on Friday morning before noon)
Expectations for Student Behavior
Please continue to reinforce behavior expectations for our students. Keeping students challenged in the classroom, and monitoring students closely at recess, will minimize discipline issues so we can maximize learning.
Monday Afternoon
We will not have a faculty meeting on Monday. We will use this time for several leadership teams to collaborate on upcoming initiatives.
- Math Leadership Team will meet in Jessica Bryant's room to finalize plans for our Family Math Night on Thursday. If you have volunteered to help with Family Math Night, and you are not on another leadership team below, please attend this meeting.
- All EnRICh teachers for this semester will meet in the Media Center to finalize lesson plans. Kelly McGough will facilitate this meeting. The plans need to be finalized on Monday afternoon. We will review them on Tuesday, so we can begin the process for students to submit applications.
- Assembly Leadership Team will meet in the Collaboration room with Mrs. Brumlow. Please bring your laptops to this meeting.
- Literacy Leadership Team will meet in the Coaches Room to work on Plans for our Literacy Night in February. Edra Perry will facilitate.
TCS Twitter Chat - Monday Night
TCS will host its next Twitter Chat Monday night at 7:00. It is going to be really good! Hosted by our conselors, the focus will be on character education and leading with character. We learn so much from these Twitter Chats as we interact with colleagues in our district. Also, you can do do this while sitting home in your PJs. I encourage you to participate at #edchatTCS. We are happy to provide information about how to participate. Hope to chat with you Monday night at 7:00 PM.
Data Meetings
We are so excited about our upcoming data meetings. We have secured half-day subs to ensure we have ample time to analyze, discuss, and plan. We will meet in the Collaboration Room. Please bring your laptops and IE Plans. The schedule for data meetings is listed below. The front office has secured a sub for you for this meeting.
- 5th Grade - Friday, February 1st, 8:15 to 11:30
- 4th Grade - Friday, February 1st, 12:00 to 3:15
- 3rd Grade - Thursday, February 7th, 8:15 to 11:30
- Kindergarten - Thursday, February 7th, 12:00 to 3:15
- 1st Grade - Friday, February 8th, 8:15 to 11:30
- 2nd Grade - Friday, February 8th, 12:00 to 3:15
Family Math Night
Our Math Leadership Team has done an amazing job of planning our Family Math Night. It is going to be a great night of learning and fun! Please encourage your students and parents to attend!
Duty Schedule
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Weekly News
A Week
Classes of the Week - Felts & Jenkins (4th)
(Please send a group of students (5-10) to office by 7:55 Wednesday - Friday)
PETV should be played for morning announcements on Tuesday.
PACE Character Trait: Self Control
(Please send a group of students (5-10) to office by 7:55 Wednesday - Friday)
PETV should be played for morning announcements on Tuesday.
PACE Character Trait: Self Control
Paine Power Word: Contrast
Husky Buck Drawing: Kinder, 2nd, & 4th
(Please submit names via link on Friday morning before noon)
Scantron Testing
Please make sure Scantron Testing (Reading & Science) is completed this week.
Thursday Collaboration
We will continue working on our IE Plans during collaboration (as well as other lesson plans).
Our PTO will be providing Hot Chocolate for all teachers and staff in the teacher workrooms on Friday morning. Enjoy!
IE (Intervention/Enrichment) Block
We are hearing some amazing ideas on how to differentiate and grow every student through the IE Block. As we continue to work on finalizing our plans for the IE Block, please make you are fully committed to the following non-negotiables:
If you need additional IE time, consider using 30 minute block when you do not have specials.
Updated Daily Schedules
This week, please make sure your updated schedules (including your designated Intervention/Enrichment block) is posted outside of your door.
Duty this Week
If you have duty, please make sure you are there on time. If you are out, please find someone to cover your duty.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Help Needed for Upcoming Family Math Night
We will have math games, number talks, investigative tasks, counting collections (K), a photo booth, snack tables, a survey station, an estimation station, and door prizes! Parents of current 4th and 5th students may pick up state testing data from last year this evening as well. We hope you can attend!
We are in need of teachers who are not leading sessions to help with various tasks such as greeting families, passing out the schedule for the night, monitoring snack tables, the estimation table, the photo booth, the survey station, and assisting in directing families to sessions, etc.
Please take a moment to answer the two questions from the link below. We will need as many teacher volunteers as possible. Thank you so much and we hope to see you there!
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Monday, January 14, 2019
Roof - Additional Important Information
Sunday, January 13, 2019
New Roof - Important
As you know they have delivered materials and are beginning construction of our new roof. They are starting on the south side. Roofers will be parking their vehicles on the bottom south parking lot. Please be mindful of this work as you are taking your students outside. Avoid entrances, exits, and play areas where they are working, being mindful that materials could fall to the ground (tacks, shingles, etc). Roofers will be cleaning up at the end of each day. They will be using magnetic tool to pick up dropped tacks, etc. We are so excited to get this new roof, but want to be mindful to ensure safety.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Weekly News
B Week
Classes of the Week - Garrett & Darnell (5th Grade)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday)
PETV should be played for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait: Self Control
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Tuesday - Friday)
PETV should be played for morning announcements on Monday.
PACE Character Trait: Self Control
(Please submit names via link on Friday morning before noon)
Ms. Finkley - Five-Week Internship
Ms. Finkley will begin her five-week principal internship this week at HTMS. We are so excited she will have this opportunity, but we will miss her greatly during this time, Mrs. Brumlow, Mrs. McGough, and I will be here to fill this gap during her absence. Ms. Finkley will be checking her email and will be here every Wednesday for the five weeks.
Testing/Data Meetings
STAR testing should be completed by January 15th. Please try to have all Scantron testing completed by January 25th if possible. We will be having half-day data meetings early February where we will analyze all data and work on IE Block plans. You will be provided with a half-day sub. More information to follow.
Monday Afternoon
We will not have a faculty meeting Monday afternoon, January 14th.
- All teachers participating in EnRICh this semester will meet in the Collaboration Room from 2:00 - 4:00 to work on EnRICh lesson plans.
- Math Leadership Team will meet with Mrs. Brumlow in the Media Center (beginning at 2:15) to work on Family Math Night.
- All other teachers may work with their teams on plans for their IE Blocks.
Thursday Collaboration
Please bring necessary materials to work on IE (Intervention/Enrichment) Block plans.
Recess Reminders
- Please make sure you are adhering to your scheduled recess times.
- It is important that students are monitored carefully during this time.
One Word Goal for Students
On Monday's PETV we will be encouraging our students to select their "one word" to guide them for the remainder of the school year. This was completed last week by third grade classes in the south building, and was such a meaningful goal setting activity for students. Teachers provided a brief process for the students to carefully determine their one word. This work is hanging in the hallway if you would like to see it.
We would like for all Paine Students to select their one word (and have it in their agenda at a
minimum). Our Art Teachers will be coordinating a project in a few weeks where students will paint a rock containing their "one word", and we will construct a rock garden in one of the enclosed areas of the school. We hope this will become a tradition, and when students leave our school after 5th grade, they are able to take all of their "one word rocks" with them. The following is a visual of what we envision the rock garden to look like. It will serve as a motivational reminder of student goals, as well as add to the beauty of our school.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
More Weekly Updates
You may wear Alabama (or your favorite team) attire on Monday to support the SEC and our state in the National Championship!Assemblies
We will not have assemblies in January (due to Christmas break). We will resume in February and will recognize students for December & January at that time.
There will be No PETV on Monday.
There will be No PETV on Monday.
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Weekly News
Classes of the Week - Davis & Bland (Kindergarten)
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Monday - Friday)
There will be no PETV this week.
Classes of the Week Next Week: Garrett & Darnell (5th Grade)
PACE Character Trait: Self Control
(Please send a group of students to office by 7:55 Monday - Friday)
There will be no PETV this week.
Classes of the Week Next Week: Garrett & Darnell (5th Grade)
PACE Character Trait: Self Control
Paine Power Word: Review 1st Semester Words
Husky Buck Drawing: Kinder, 2nd, & 4th
STAR testing should be completed by January 15th. Please try to have all Scantron testing completed by January 25th if possible. More information will follow regarding data meetings in February.
Sunshine Dues
Reminder: If you have not turned in your Sunshine dues ($30) for the year, you may give a check or cash to any member of our Sunshine Committee.
Paine is Getting a New Roof!
Work should begin on our new roof as early as Monday. They will start on the South building. Please be aware and mindful as this work is going on.
Make New Friends Week at Paine
This week is Make New Friends Week at Paine, sponsored by our student leadership team. Teachers and students should wear your necklaces this week. We will announce the focus for each day during announcements. Please encourage your students to participate.Differentiation PD and the IE (Intervention/Enrichment) Block
Thank you so much for your focus on providing students with differentiated instruction and activities during the IE (Intervention/Enrichment) block. We have heard from so many teachers with great ideas about their plans for this block. We will work and grow together to find the most effective, differentiated experiences for the IE Block.
The following is a summary of the expectations for the IE Block, realizing (#3-#5) is a work in progress this year. Our focus for walkthroughs in January will be differentiation, specifically during the IE Block.
Monday Afternoon - Literacy Turnaround Training
We will have Literacy Turnaround Training for all certified teachers in the collaboration room at 2:15.
Class Picture Day
Class pictures will be taken on Tuesday, January 8th. Please make sure a reminder is sent home on Monday.
Thursday Collaboration
We will work on I.E. (Intervention/Enrichment) Block planning. Please be sure to bring your laptop and any necessary resources.
January - School Board Member Appreciation Month
The theme is "Superheroes for Alabama's Students", reaffirms the goal we all share: preparing tomorrow's leaders for productive citizenship.
We will be creating a Paine Elementary mural for the board room (more information will follow). If your class would like to create a class card (in addition to this), please give to the front office by Thursday, January 17th.
Duty for the Week
Teachers and Staff, Thank you for all you do each and every day!
Your are appreciated! #PainePride
Friday, January 4, 2019
Family News
Please keep Edra Perry and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Her mother-in-law passed away Wednesday night.
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Family News
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Weekly Update
A Week - January 21-24, 2025 South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post Observation Reflection Form Re...
Dear Paine Family, I hope you are enjoying your last week of summer break! As we enjoy the last days of summer break, I want to take a mome...
A Week - January 7-10, 2025 South PE - Outside Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post Observation Reflection Form Reminder: Each teache...
B Week - October 15-18, 2024 North PE - Outside Character Trait - Self Control Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post Observation Refle...