Monday, November 26, 2018

TAC Questions

TAC Questions

If you have a TAC (Teacher Advisory Council) question, please place it in a sealed envelope and put it in the designated box in the teacher workroom.  Questions are due by November 30th.  

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Weekly News

A Week

Class of the Week - Mrs. Taylor's 4th Grade Class
Class of the Week Next Week:  Mrs. LoPresti's 3rd Grade Class
PACE Character Trait:  Cooperation
Paine Power Word:  Predict
Husky Bucks:  K, 2, & 4

Events this Week

Mon, 11/26   Faculty Meeting at 2:15
Tues, 11/27   Kaleidoscope of Friends Due
                      Urban Air Fundraising Field Trip (9-11)
                      District Literacy PD
                      Chic-Fila Spirit Night
Wed, 11/28    PST Meeting
                       New Teacher District Meeting
Thur, 11/29    Collaboration
Fri, 11/30       Paine Spelling Bee 
                       Edra Perry - Birthday
Sat, 12/1        Karen Sager - Birthday

We hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break filled with blessings.  We have only three school weeks left until Christmas break.  Thank you for your hard work and making every day count for our students!

Faculty Meeting - Monday

We will have a faculty meeting on Monday.  Please bring your computers to reference pacing guide and standards.  The following is our meeting agenda:
  • Review Paine Walkthrough Data
  • School Goals
  • Mid-Year Testing
  • Inclusive Schools Week
  • Progress Toward our Standards

Kaleidoscope of Friends

Next week is Inclusive Schools Week.  Please turn in your finished "Kaleidoscope of Friends" to Karen Sager by Tuesday afternoon.  She will be making a banner (to have ready for next week).

Wednesday - PST

A schedule will be sent out with teacher meeting time.  A substitute will come to the classroom and relieve the teacher so she can attend.

Thursday Collaboration

Please bring your upcoming units and your computers.  Kindergarten and First Grade will discuss  Math Number Talks, so please bring any related resources.  Everyone, remember to sign up for Thursday Collaboration on STI-PD to get PD credit.

Mid-Year Testing Schedule

Scantron Math will be given to all students in K-5 between 12/3 - 12/13.
STAR will be given to all students K-5 between 1/2 - 1/15.
Scantron Reading (2-5) & Science (3-5) will be given between 1/16 - 1/31

Duty this Week

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Paine Faculty & Staff Christmas Party

Our Paine Faculty & Staff Christmas Party will be Monday, December 10th (instead of our faculty meeting).  We are asking everyone to bring a treat to share with everyone.

We will have a fun activity for us to do together!  Please let Lori Phillips know if you are unable to attend that day.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Family News

We have a Paine Family Member in need this holiday season, and we will be collecting money to provide some assistance.  If you would like to contribute, please bring cash to Lori Phillips.  We will be collecting through December 7th.  The money will be anonymously given to this individual at the end of that day (in the hopes that it will help with Christmas, etc.). 

Weekly News

B Week

Please view Monday announcements on PETV.

There will not be a "class of the week" due to the short week.  Our Student Leadership Team will serve as announcement helpers on Tuesday.
Class of the Week Next Week - Mrs. Taylor's 4th Grade Class
PACE Character Trait:  Cooperation
Paine Power Word:  Predict

As we reflect on blessings this Thanksgiving season, we remember each and every member of our Paine Family.  Your talents, dedication, passion, and commitment to our students is INSPIRING!  We are thankful for you!

Arrival and Dismissal

Dismissal in the boulevards is becoming more chaotic with some students running.  It takes everyone to ensure we have a efficient and safe dismissal.  Please be sure to stand outside your room and monitor until all students have exited your hallway.  If you have duty, please be sure to be at your post on time and monitoring students.

Please stand at your door greeting students each morning as they are entering your classroom.  This places them in a positive frame of mind ready for learning.  



By: Reed Gillespie / February 16 2015 / Education Rehash, Inspiration
  1. Build relationships with your students enhances their emotional needs, as well as yours.
  2. Offer praise and feedback (this need not be class related).
  3. Some students, like those with ADD/ADHD, have trouble switching classes. Greet these students at the door with explicit directions about what to do. For some of my more challenging students, I would essentially escort them to their seats to ensure they started class on task. 
  4. It gives you a chance to connect with every student and to gauge their emotional state.
  5. Students have a lot to say and we should take the time to listen to them.
  6. Albeit brief, it’s a chance to have a one-on-one conversation with a student.
  7. It gives you an opportunity to model (and for students to practice) socially acceptable behaviors, like eye contact, a firm handshake, and good posture.
  8. You can ask each student a question to formatively assess their understanding of the previous day’s lesson. With some classes I’d take this a step further and ask a question which the students had to get right before entering class.
  9. Teach the students respectful behaviors. My rule was a simple one, “Every time I ask you a question, please answer the question and ask a question in return.”
    1. Me: Did you watch the football game last night?
    2. JJ: Yeah, I can’t believe the Redskins lost. Did you watch it
    3. Me: Of course. Not sure why it surprised you though. They’ve been awful this year. A matter of caution, I’d often ask about their lives outside of school and about their weekends. For students with horrible home lives, doing so sets them back and can ruin your effort at fostering a welcoming classroom environment.
  10. It can be a time saver. While I had a consistent classroom routine, greeting students at the door would allow you to cue them to something that may be different (please be sure to turn in your homework or please pick up the work you missed yesterday from the absent folder).
Simply greeting students at the door has been proven to increase student attention to learning (on-task behavior) and it establishes teacher rapport with students.
It’s simple and effective and worth the little extra effort.

Monday Afternoon

We will have a "brief" faculty meeting Monday afternoon.  We will vote on the budget and answer any questions about upcoming Inclusive Week, Secret Pals, etc.
Following this meeting, the Math Leadership Team will remain in the collaboration room for a preliminary meeting to plan a school Family Math Night.

Learning Targets

How will learning targets help my students be leaders of their own learning?
"The process of learning shouldn't be a mystery.  Learning targets provide students with tangible goals that they can understand and work toward.  Rather than the teacher taking on all of the responsibility for meeting a lesson's objective, learning targets, written in student-friendly language and frequently reflected on, transfer ownership for meeting objectives from the teacher to the student."                                                    Ron Berger - Leaders of Their Own Learning

Teachers, thank you for all of the hard work and the focus you have placed on engaging your students in learning targets. We are seeing well-written learning targets that are visible and frequently referenced, where students know the purpose of a lesson and can monitor their progress. Your commitment to your students is recognized . . . and inspiring!

 Sunshine Committee Update - Secret Pals

Please keep Dr. Lothspeich, Ms. Finkley, and/or Mrs. Brumlow informed about times of need, crisis, or celebration so we can support our Paine Family.  Sunshine Committee Members:  Susan Brandon, Julia Booker, Christa Campbell, Janea Rosemberg, Carissa Davis, Christy Stewart, Wendy Cramer, Rachelle Taylor, Jenni Peter, and Lori Phillips.

Having a secret pal throughout the school year is a fun spirit builder. It makes everyone feel good about themselves and co-workers. Our guidelines: You must treat your secret pal once a month beginning in DECEMBER- $5 per month limit. It is also encouraged that you drop your secret pal notes of encouragementDu weekly. We will have a reveal party in MAY and all participants will exchange a $15 gift. We will use as a platform for randomizing the matching of pals. This site also has an anonymous communication option that you can use to communicate with your secret pal! I have not used this site before but sounds promising. If you want to participate, click on the sneakypal invite below and enter your name. It asks for a nickname but please put your first and last name. Use the link below to join the group: You must input your name by Nov. 26 in order to participate. Spread the word, as this is the only way to join in the fun! We will not use the wish list option within SneakyPals.  Here is the link to all our FAVORITES lists! Be sure to fill out your favorites! Open your folder. Make a copy of the Blank My Favorites and rename it with your name.  If you need clarification, please ask a Sunshine Committee Member.

Upcoming Dates to Remember: 
Secret Pal Kick-off - November 26-30th
SRO Appreciation Day - January 9th

Duty this Week

Monday, November 12, 2018

Family News

Please keep Lee Swatzell's brother, David in your thoughts and prayers.  He had a benign brain tumor removed about 10 years ago and had no symptoms after that, until recently.  They have located another brain mass.  Lee will keep us informed once next steps are determined.  Please keep David, and their entire family in your prayers.

Please keep Carla Dillard and her family in your thoughts and prayers.  Her mother-in-law, Bobbie Dillard passed away this weekend.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Inclusive Schools Week - Planned Activities

The following are our plans to recognize and celebrate Inclusion Week, which is December 3 - 7Each homeroom will complete a Kaleidoscope of Friends by November 27th.  Karen Sager will have examples in the teacher workrooms and materials will be placed in your boxes.  Each teacher should color one for their homeroom and put the faces of their students on the kaleidoscope.  Please do not include any student names on the kaleidoscope.   Karen will make a banner from all of the kaleidoscopes so it is important that they be turned in on or before the deadline.

In support of inclusion, during the week of December 3-6, we will issue several daily challenges during morning announcements, which are included below (so you have them in advance).

Day 1: Explain what Inclusion week means and what we will focus on this week issue the first challenge of learning to say good morning in Spanish with an example end announcement with: INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY HAPPENS HERE— TOGETHER WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE 
Day 2: Sit by someone different today in lunch than you normally do (within your class) and find out one thing that they like to do
Day 3: Take “5” in your classrooms to discuss a time when you might not have felt included: how did that make you feel, have you made someone feel not included, how to correct that
Day 4: Give students a post it note for them to write a compliment about another student and give it to them;  they can give one to a different student each day;  they can hang them up in the classroom with that students name on it
Day 5: Learn how to say Good Morning in sign language

Sometime during the week, each class is expected to check out a book about diversity/inclusion from the library to read during read aloud time.  A display will be set up in the library highlighting all of the books on diversity/inclusion.

We will complete a self-assessment on Monday afternoon, November 19th regarding our level of understanding about inclusion.   

Thank you in advance for supporting and celebrating Inclusive Schools Week at Paine.

Weekly News

A Week

Please view Tuesday announcements on PETV.
Class of the Week - Mrs. Burn's 5th Class
Please send 4-6 students each morning by 7:55
(Wednesday - Friday).
Class of the Week Next Week - Mrs. Taylor's 4th Grade Class
PACE Character Trait:  Cooperation
Paine Power Word:  Evidence

Veterans Day Celebration

Veterans Day Celebration is Tuesday at 9:00 in the North Gym.  North PE Classes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades will be held in the South Gathering Space on Tuesday.

10 Book 10 Week Challenge

This is the final week of our 10 Book 10 Week Challenge.  Please give Jenni Peters all completed forms by Friday afternoon.

Food Drive
Please encourage students to bring in non-perishable items for our food drive this week.  The drive will end on Friday.

Duck Derby Prize Winner Celebration
Kona Ice will be here on Wednesday, November 14th.
Urban Air trip for qualifying students will be on Tuesday, November 27th.

Thursday Collaboration
Please bring your units (Lucy Calkins, Math Guides, & Science, etc.) to plan for upcoming lessons.  We will meet in the collaboration room. 

Specialist Collaboration
Specialist will no longer be required to collaborate on Tuesdays.  However, Thursday collaboration will be held in the Collaboration Room on Thursdays beginning this week.  Please bring upcoming lesson ideas, plans, etc.

Christmas Party Days
Tuesday, December 11th - Kinder & 1st
Wednesday, December 12th - 2nd & 3rd
Thursday, December 13th - 4th & 5th

Learning Target Focus
Thank you for your continued work on engaging students with learning targets.  We have observed some great learning targets and discussion with students are these learning goals.

Duty for the Week

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Attendance on Report Cards

Important Information about late arrivals and early check-outs on report cards:

iNow codes any late arrival to school or early check out from school as a “Tardy”.  The total tardies listed on your child’s Report Card will include both check-ins and check-outs for a period of time.  The current Report Card reflects cumulative attendance for the school year (8/08/2018-11/06/2018).

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Bus Changes

Please make note of the following information received from our transportation department this morning.

We will have our newest bus on route today.  It created some shifts that I wanted to make you aware:
12-01 is now- 20-01 PE/CE Martha Giles
08-01 is now- 12-01 PE/MS Clyde Gaines
07-01 is now- 08-01 PE/MS Curtis Spivey
07-01 is now- spare bus

These shifts just involve bus numbers- drivers, aides and routes all remain the same.  Thanks.

Two-Hour Delay Schedule - Tuesday, November 6th

The following is our adjusted "Two-Hour Delay" schedule.  No breakfast will be served, but lunch will be on the normal schedule.  Afternoon Enrich will remain on the regular schedule.

10:50 – 11:20
10:15 – 10:45
10:15 – 10:45
10:50 – 11:20
11:50 – 12:20
12:25 – 12:55
12:25 -12:55
11:50 – 12:20
1:00 – 1:30
1:30 – 2:00
1:30 – 2:00
1:00 – 1:30

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Weekly News

B Week

Please view Monday announcements on PETV.
Class of the Week - Mrs. Swatzell's Kindergarten Class
Please send 3-5 students each morning by 7:55.
Class of the Week Next Week - Mrs. Burns' 5th Grade Class
PACE Character Trait:  Cooperation
Paine Power Word:  Evidence

10 Book 10 Week Challenge

We have 2 weeks left in our 10 Book 10 Week Challenge.  Encourage students this week to work on completing this challenge and turn their completed form in to Jenni Peters.  We will have a celebration for all students who completed the challenge before Thanksgiving break.

Make Every Day Count

It is hard to believe one-third of our school year is complete.  Thank you for your continued commitment, hard work, and dedication to our students!  As we begin our second trimester, please protect all instructional time.  We have so much left to teach our students!  Maximizing their learning is our top focus!  

You are valued and appreciated!   #painepride

Focused Walkthroughs - Learning Targets

We will be doing focused walkthroughs in November with primary emphasis on engaging students with learning targets.  Please let us know if you need any support in this area.

Monday Afternoon 

District Collaboration will be held at Magnolia Elementary.  All certified staff are expected to participate.  The agenda/room numbers are listed below.

Student Assemblies this Week

8:30 - 9:00 am

Tuesday - 4th & 5th 
Wednesday - 1st & 3rd 
Friday - Kindergarten & 2nd
Schedule Change Wednesday:  3rd Grade will attend specials from 1:30-2:05 & PE from 2:10-2:40
Schedule Change Friday: 2nd Grade will attend specials from 1:30-2:05 & PE from 2:10-2:40

Paine Calendar this Week

*Report cards go home on Thursday (not Wednesday).

Duty Schedule

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...