Tuesday, August 28, 2018

State Testing Information - Mandatory Training Thursday

As you hopefully know by now, per the state department testing mandate, we will lock down like we did in the Spring to administer Scantron to grades 3-5 the week of September 10th.  We attended a testing meeting last week and received more details about fall testing.  Basically, it will look like it did in the spring.  

·     We will test Tuesday, 9/11, through Thursday, 9/13, with Friday, 9/14 and Monday, 9/17 used as make up testing days.
·     Everyone (including kindergarten through 2nd grade teachers and instructional aides) needs to attend mandatory testing training during collaboration time this Thursday.
·     ALL Chromebooks must be turned in on Thursday, 9/6.  Chromebooks in carts must be plugged in and in numerical order.  Standalone Chromebooks should include a piece of masking tape with teacher name and have the plug included.  Chromebooks need to be taken to the Collaboration/PD room on the north campus.  Please adjust your plans accordingly for testing week.  Chromebooks will be in lock down mode beginning Friday morning, 9/7, through Thursday afternoon, 9/13.  You should be able to use most of your Chromebooks again on Friday, 9/14 or Monday 9/17.
·     Due to the necessity for specialists and instructional aides to be involved in testing, we will have an alternate schedule for the week of testing.  I know this is not ideal as we all are just beginning to get into a routine.  We are still working on the schedule for that week and will have everything to you by the Monday of testing week.

Our tentative testing schedule is as follows:
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we are following what we have to do in order to comply with state testing guidelines. You will receive more details and be trained during our collaboration time on Thursday. 

2018-2019 Leadership Teams

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Weekly News

Monday - Professional Learning/Faculty Meeting
Our faculty meeting this week will consist of a celebration of August birthdays and Literacy Turnaround Training.  We are all teachers of literacy, so every certified teachers should attend this training.

Sunshine Annual Dues
Sunshine annual dues are $30.  You may pay the $30 for the year or pay three $10 installments at the beginning of each trimester.  Please place your check in Lori Phillips' box.  Join SUNSHINE anytime by the end of this week to qualify for a drawing for the Sunshine Reserved parking space.  You're name will be placed in the drawing once for each $10 payment.  
**Example….If you pay your annual dues of $30 you will get your name put in the hat 3 times.  If you pay in 3 - $10 installments per trimester you will get to put your name in the hat once a trimester.  
We will draw for the RESERVED Parking at the beginning of each trimester.  The first drawing will take place SEPTEMBER 1st! You get to pick the SPOT you want for the entire trimester in which your name was drawn and we will place a RESERVED Parking sign in that spot….. so even if you are running a little late, your spot will be waiting! Thank you for participating and spreading sunshine to our Paine Family!

Lunchroom Procedures
This week teachers may begin sitting at the teacher table.  We are going to try something different with our lunchroom procedures.  Please allow your students to start out on green cup.  If they become too loud, switch to yellow cup (as a noise warning).  Only use the red cup if the entire class is too loud after being reminded with the yellow cup.  Please do not put the entire class on red if the noise level or issue is due to an isolated group of students.

Thursday Collaboration this Week
Due to the holiday next Monday (and therefore, no faculty meeting), we will need to use our collaboration day for training on Education Effectiveness and Testing.  It is important that everyone be trained, certified and classified.  We will resume regular collaboration the following week.

Duty this Week

Class of the Week
Mrs. Jackson's 4th Grade Class will be our class of the week.  Please send 3-4 students each morning at 7:55.

Family News
Please keep Nicole Jenkins' sister Kimberly in your thoughts and prayers.  She is recovering from surgery and is in the hospital.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Family News

Message from Jamye Waites:
If you have read our Paine Blog you are aware that Wendy Cramer, 4th grade math teacher, lost her dad last week and her mom last night.  One way our Paine family can minister and bless Wendy during this time is to help provide meals for her family.  We all know how crazy the start of school is with out dealing with the loss of a loved one or two in this case.  I would love for us to be able to provide approx. 3 meals per week or more if we can.  Here is the link to sign up to take or bring her a meal

Recipient's Last Name:
Please keep Wendy and her family in your prayers!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Family News

A Memorial celebration will be held for Wendy Cramer's mother, Miriam Jean Wesson, on Friday, August 24 at Jefferson Memorial Funeral Home and Gardens located in Trussville, Al. Visitation begins at 11:00 and a service will begin at 12:00. Her forever resting home will be in the Serenity Garden in Trussville right behind the funeral home. Flowers may be sent to 1591 Gadsden Highway Birmingham, AL 35235.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Professional Books Available for Check Out

Our TCS Curriculum and Instruction Department is offering something new this year for all who are interested.  They have accumulated some great books and want to provide the ability for anyone interested to check out some of these professional titles.  A few of the titles are included below.  If anyone wishes to check out a book, please email Dr. Jennifer Cardwell and she will send the book to you.  This is a great opportunity to continue to learn together!

·         Learning That Lasts by Ron Berger
·         Leaders of Their Own Learning by Ron Berger
·         Number Talks by Sherry Parrish
·         Peer Coaching by Pam Robbins
·         Reading Reconsidered by Doug Lamov
·         Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess

Weekly Update

  A Week - February 24-28, 2025  South PE - Outside (Weather permitting) Character Trait: Uniqueness Peer Observation Sign-Up Calendar Post ...